In the distant and mysterious land of The Late 90s, a trio of dorkily-dressed dickweeds emerged from their upstairs apartment and into total obscurity. Traveling the post-apocalyptic wasteland of Michigan, they wield their ancient gizmos and penises to the rabid amazement of the benevolent hicks of the countryside. Proclaiming their enthusiasm for the lost arts of psychedelic drug use, satanic ritual, 80s videogame abuse and generally fucking shit up in that wacky retro style, these Dudes certainly are (fill in the blank) !On August 18th, 2007, LSDudes played their "Final Show."By May of 2008, rumors were circulating that there may be a reunion and that album that was supposed to come out on Friction last year may still see the light of day...
A video for our Myspace friends:
Say "Fire"
"U Took 2 Much (Man) -
"Journey" -
"711" -
"Smak!" -
"Drugs Are Like That Too" -
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