making music, making movies, making out. drinking, pain killers & fungus. tall cute girls who like to get dirty. i hate when you get out of a hot shower and the bathroom is cold.
guys who like to rock and chicks with ambition.who i DON'T want to meet: any nutjob girls who think they're gonna make me their boyfriend.
also people who say 'fierce' all the time. tigers are fierce, your blouse isn't.
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SEX SLAVES, guns 'n roses, ac/dc, pantera, the cult, bad religion, clutch, backyard babies, misfits, t-rex, starflyer 59
jacob's ladder, the shining, wild at heart, dreamquest, near dark, resident evil, aliens, chainsaw massacre, anything scary or with zombies in it
sux. 300 channels of nothing.
the dictionary, guns 'n roses tabs for guitar, sci-fi