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All Wallpapers done by PABLO ICART (AIGHARD)-Kult of the Serpent
Greetings from the Kult of the Serpent - Devian Street Team. We are deeply thankful for your interest on DEVIAN Fan Based Street Team. We seek for all creative people in Art, Media or Promotion fields. All capable people in this fields and contacts are more than welcome.Among the many activities we have developed to support Devian work here are some examples of what can be done once you join in:
-Spreading Posters, Flyers Stickers on Metal Venues, Festivals, Shops, Bars, etc...
-Doing and spreading BLOG, Bulletins, Posts across the Online world from Websites, Forums, Blogs, etc...
-Doing/Seeking or Fixing up Interviews (Video, Audio or Written)with the Band.
-Doing/Seeking for Reviews from Albums or Concerts.
-Taking Pictures and Videos on Devian Gigs or Studio.
-Unleashing and Cooperating with Band Contests or any other Interaction from Band to the Fans.
-Build up Artworks and Designs like Wallpapers, Flyers, Banners, Album Artworks, Layouts, etc...
-Build and Maintain WebSites, Forums.
-Giving the band exposure on the Media from Magazines, Radios to TV.
-Persuading concert organizers to book the band for more gigs and festivals.
-Supporting with contacts from your local scene
In All we aim to support Devian to reach New Horizons and in no way we wish to reach own goals with this Street Team.
Our Goal is in all ways the same, to get Devian more known and a better place in Metal Universe.
Please contact us and we will make you all inquires for possible collaboration
on promotional efforts.
Our Email:
[email protected]
Want to become a member?! Fill this SIGN UP FORM and Send it to our [email protected] Email.
Thank you allot for your time.
Head ov the Serpent - Kult of the Serpent - Under the Supervision of DEVIAN