MARiS profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Heyyyy kids! I'm Marisa, 23 yeArS oLd from Suffolk CountY LI, New York;)... i moVed oUT of mY apartment in Kew Gardens LAsT mAY b/c i grAdUATed cOLLege[my roommies=AWESOME], and crash oFTeN at my sister's, on the Upper East side of Manhattan. I joined the ranks of St. John's University Alumni oVeR a yeAR agO .. time fLieS !! i miss thAT sChOOL like CRAZY, bUT i loVe the fieLd thAT i work iN!! I like variety. writing is awesome, even if i am sometimes atrocious at it,hehe!i'm a singer. My original dream was tO be a rockstar, LOL. i have a rare and awesome addiction to ice pops that are packaged in plastic. the radio industry takes up many hours of my life:) I'm a dancer. I also took bellydancing lessons, which was FANTUBULAR! Music is my life. i dj with my friend's comPANY. I found out recently that i am closely related to General Tom Thumb (from Barnum and Bailey's circus in the late and Yes he was real), and that my family on my mom's side (Last name-Davis) owned a famous silver mine in Butte, Montana in the late 1800s. I thought that sounded sweet, ha! I have a really bad stomach, but i still 3 food all the same:) I'm liberal. i often wear giant vinyl platform boots with flames on the sole. i rock fake nails because i dig 'em. do a whole lot of community service because it rocks and roLLs, especially with VdP (St. Vincent dePaul Society). PLAYed piANo/keYboArdS for 6 yeArS, & am pLAYeN for fUN a biT agAiN:) I loveee guy's hands. I have no idea why. They can just be darn hot. i somehow was in 16 organizations--theN 15-and was on 4 Executive Boards iN cOLLeGe. lol I'm a crrazzzyy over-achiever, but i loVe iT aLL the sAme:) Blue and bLAcK are my favorite coLors. I aLSo like awesomely brighT cOLors. I like bags. Pocketbooks. Purses. Depending on what state you're from, theY're referred to as something eLse:). BASEBALL is my favorite sport EVER. track & badmitten are my fave sports to participate in. JEWELRY is my alter-ego. It often makes appearances for me when I cannot be there. ((I wear a good bunch of jeweLrY!)) I love discovering new musical artists, and i majorly support local artists. I don't have a "Top 8" because I am far too lazy to attempt to work on it. I absoLUTeLY 333 bLAck aNd whiTe checkerboard pATTerNS aNd zebrA priNT=), I am a DJ, aNd Majored in Communication Arts/Concentration in Radio (Broadcasting and Management) @ St. John's University in Queens, and I have beeN the Program Director @ WSJU 590 AM, THE VOICE for 2005-2006. i am the Assistant Promotions Director for WRCN 103.9 FM Classic Rock in Long Island & LOVE 96.1 Long Island's Best Mix, Receptionist, Office Assistant aNd EEO COORdiNATOR!!!! I am aLSo the BLUES NEWS RePORTeR oN Graveyard Blues with Jerry Schaefer on RCN, so tune in on Sunday nights and lOg oN.. GRAVEYARDBLUES.COM, and the "Beatles Buzz" Reporter with GLeNN CALdeRONe oN SUNdAY mornings oN RCN. i do really bad commerCiALS, bUT .. Tune in! The stations are awesome, and i am not just saying that due to bias:) Listen to us ONLiNe too!, @ [][]i have worked at TCBY/NATHANS for 6+ years, and heart it there. I value honesty and trust like woahh. i sOLd mary kay makeup so if you need some, come hither & iLL seNd YoU in the correct direction to bUY some;) Community service is fabulous, and there's a cool organization known as GioVANNi Campani di NY that is pretty rad, so check it out! I went to Europe summer 2005 with some of my closest friends, D and Pat and Baker--Spent 2 weeks in Italy, a day in Switzerland and aN iNTereSTeN few Hours at HeAThroW airpOrT iN LoNdoN! *amazing*! i sPeNT thAa last week of August '07 in Austria, GeRmANY, and Ireland and LOVED each second of it! i have a secret crush on the Communications industry, and have been the Radio and Music ChAir for the Communications Club '05-'06. i worked on the 2005-2006 Concert Committee at St. JoHN'S, and did some promoting for the new fondue addition to Scoops ice cream parlor, owned by my sister's good friend. i received "Most Unique" and "Best Personality" in High School, clearly for my ability to be the nicest, biggest weirdo:) ahahaha-That's the only reasoning i cAN compreheNd! LOL-i looovee people, crazy fashion is fantastic, i love to party and go to bars, but mostly in order to see kickass musicians do their thing. LoCAL bANd PR/promotion=awesome. I like to talk. way. too. much. Got me some piercings and a tattoo!;) Occasionally, i attempt to practice Yoga and pilates, and surf. I'm not too sKiLLed iN piLATes aNd sUrfiNg, bUT it's flippin' fUN to trY! I was the Director of ResArCh for the newly-deVeLoPed Advertising Club at St. John's for 0h-siX, beTTer kNowN aS Storm Media, and i loVed leArNiNg to rock, reSeArch-sTYLe:)--I love being spontaneous. i LOVE to take risks in many areas of my life--but not all;). Da FUNKY PhiSh iN bAYShore, LI is my fAVoriTe bAr preTTY mUCh eVer, and the people there completely own. I hAVe 3 cats out in Suffolk--Fuzzy*rest in peace, Fuzzybear2.22.06* and Joe!, and new to thAA fAM--TAbbY, PUmPKiN aNd PUSS aNd BOOTS (REST IN PEACE HONEY 11*27*06)-mY cATS hAVe rOcKeN nAmeS !!- and in the q-boro, the girls and i hAd a pet bird, aPTLY nAmed WiNNAbird (he was..won;), aNd CLArA's peT seaweed that resided on top of our microwave. i drive an oh-two, Pewter Mustang LS V6, and i heart my car. i do enjoy coffee and tea a WHOLE lot=) i love my friends and familia---they freakin own! I still talk to LiKe eVerYoNe from High School--SACHEM 20023--Love cats, thai, indian and organic food, shows/concerts/cool venues, gummy cola bottles, green tea and aNY prodUcT aSSociATed with it, chillin' at the beach at night, summer nights, and midori sours. =) I went to sxsw 2006. Austin Texas is AMAZING.

My Interests

I can become interested in pretty much anything, given the chance...orrrr you can just see above! :)--4 thoZe of yoU who kNo me..cheK thA heighT..hehe

I'd like to meet:

Gwen Stefani; anyone who is freakin' awesome


GOSH!! too too TOO much to name, but here's a preview-- DMB!! (:, mY perSoNAL fAVoriTe mUSiciANS siNce I was a crazy 10-yeAr-oLd, the beach boys, the stones, FOB, Blood for Blood, Andrew WK, SR 71, Blondie, Debbie Harry, Primus, The AcademY is, BSB,SILENT ORDER, TIM FITE ahaha=AWESOME, aLLiSTer, the zutons, JAMeS BLUNT, cherry poppin' daddies, brian setzer orchestrA, scANdAL, polaris, Faith no more, rOD stEWart, jeNNY LeWiS, Nightmare of You (TheY performed live at St. John's University, courtesy of WSJU!!!:), aNi diFrANCo, SYLVer, SiLVer, KATriNA & the wAVes, The HiVes, Hot hot heat, simon&garfunkel, patti smith, the vANdALs, artie kaplan, TATMAYTALs, The Hiwatts, SUM 41, ants marching, simPLe PLAN, Tragic kingdom, idina mentzeLL, the living end, HFH, the midnight creePs, INXS, JeLLo BiAfrA, FiNCh, the black crowes, jessica fOLker, cant stand Britney SpeArs but im not gonna lie--some soNgs are cATchY, F5, Hellogoodbye, aerosmith, DHC, Pretty Girls Make Graves, Op IvY, The New Pornographers, crAdLe O.F(3DANNY haha) AAA, Rogue Wave, Screeching Weezel, TObY LightmAN, Matt PoNd PA, Death from Above 1979, Blood Brothers, Morningwood, arctic monkeYS, MUrS, Fort MiNor, broken social scene, aShLee simPsoN, The RoOTS, he Libertines, LacUNA coiL, The OceAN, AGNoSTiC FroNT, GreYsCALe, Great White, sufjan stevens, CAScAdA, LUCAs PrATTA, coheed&cambria, DK, MCR, Matchbook Romance, midtown, *nsync back in the dAY (i wont lie), motorhead, the movielife, at the drive-in, If iT wereNT for my homeY Cooper, i would have totally forgettn to add snow patrol and the GYPSY KINGS...thanks coop!, mars volta, Transfusion M, aLL aMeriCAN reJeCTS,In FLAmeS, Classical Music, IndustriAL, Head automatica, The Mr T Experience, 98 degreeS oLd-schooL, Mogwai, sparta, offspriNg, mc lars, RougE wAVe, reLieNT K, TV SMith, jacks mannequin, PANIC!, Glam Rock, ThriCe, ThursdAY, gwar, beYONCe, Arethra FrANKLiN, DiANA RoSS, DeSTiNY'S ChiLd, NiNa SKY, mYA, Dean Martin, Ella Fitzgerald, STeVie RAY VAUghN, Tom Jones, mae, BiLLie HoLidAY, JAmes BroWN, TricK DADDY, TV on the Radio, Senses FAiL, Drop, arTie KAPLAN, Atreyu, modest mouse, somethiNg corpOrATe, motion city soundtrack, The Smiths, WArsAW, midtown, the movielife, jeSSiCA SimPsoN, Whitesnake, M2M, SCLUb 7, CoLLeCTiVe SoUL, the queers, sublime, Television, mxpx, nofx, PeNNYWiSe, Tragic Kingdom, Nine Days, bJOrK, journey, tracy bonham, the futureheads, rachel yamagATA, the cardigans, dogs die in hot cars, eagle eye cherry, fischerspOONer, green day, the format, BLOC PARTY, op ivy, STeVie WoNder, CYNdi LAUPer, jethro tull, el general, SoUL asYLum, Green Jello..or shoULd i sAY JeLLY?:), The commodores, jerry lee lewis, the everly bros, Harry Belafonte, Bing Crosby, Perry Cuomo, JimmY EAt WOrLd, prince, pat benatar!!!, US Bombs, John Cougar Melloncamp, two man advantage, death cab for cutie, catch 22, alkaline triO, nappyheAd (rocked out on stage with these tubular men), the misfits, The Boss, the sUbhUmANS, HoUSe mUSAK, TechNo, BILLY JOEL, Deadsy, NeiL diAmoNd (SWEEETT CAROLINE, OH OH OH!)Bo Diddly, Union 13, Maroon 5, SteeLY DAN, john stamos project, The Adicts, the shins, theY mighT be GiANTs, Armor for Sleep, The Kinks, Black Flag, Jane's Addiction, Silverchair, Anthrax, Distillers, Yo Yo Ma, Joy Division, Elton John, John Parr, EDDIE M$NEY, Social D, Minor Threat, Motley Crue, Poison, Foreigner(ahhh i had breakfast with kelly and mick at rcn...fantasical, man---they rocked and kelly has badass jewelrY*:), GuttermoUTh, Tom PeTTY aNd The HeArT BreAkerS, The MeAT PUppeTs, bon joVi, Jet, Megadeath, Kill RAdiO, Death by Stereo, PEARL JAM (EDDIE VEDDER=amazing.),Type-O, The Circle Jerks, moe, Jennifer Gentle, Sage Francis, ThUrSdAY, Thrice, TUeSdAY, Marc Ribler, Me First, O-Zone(miya HAHA!;), The VerVe, VervePiPe, Stacey orrico, Gwen StefANi, Detroit Grand Pubahs, Jan Arden, Bif Naked, John Mayer, Sugar Cult, Ozma, Blind Melon, A Tribe Called Quest, Public Enemy, Biggie, Janet Jackson, OASIS, OAR, The dAmNed, Tim McGraw, Faith Hill, Garth Brooks, Metallica, Sugarbomb, Sabbath, Grim Reaper, Sting, The Police, The Beatles, Keane, the bouncing souls, kelly clarkson, clay aiken, George Thoroughgood, TrooP 47 now The Restaurant, Broadway tunes, KISS, Def LeppARd, jann arden, The Proms, JohNNY CASh, JUNe CArTer, PATSY CLiNe, the clash, jack johnson, NUFAN, LIVE, eric himan, marc ribler, the counting crows, Van halen, RhYmefeST, zeppelin, say anything, ted leo and the pharmacists, Fishbone, rufio, maxamillion, The monkees, taproot, judas priest, GrAVY ((did a sTUdio iNTerVieW @ wsju:))dream theater((was lucky enough to meet Original singer Chris Collins and he gave me a rockin' brACeLeT--GOOD TIMES!)), no doubt, QUEEN, david bowie(mite be a LoTTA thiNgs in here twice, cant remember) AFI, tool, yellowcard, the juliana theory, the mountain goats, Jay-Z (i met him while singing the National Anthem @ YANKEE STADIUM on 4~19~2005, woohooo!--Sorry--excitement!), Poison, Good Charlotte, The Ataris, Joan Jett, L.A. Tool and Die, Fiona Apple, the adverts, The Grateful Dead, PHiSh, Le Tigre, Rachel Sage, Funk, Tori Amos, Fine Young Cannibals, The Who, Brand New, BLIND ROBBERY, THE SCUTCHES, Finger 11, Alanis Morrisette, Morissey, Dusty Springfield, Janis Joplin, Joss Stone, NIN, Creedance Clearwater Revival, Team Sleep, Depeche Mode, the Descendents, Nirvana, Baby Bash, Lil' Kim, Ludacris, Stroke 9, Suicide Machines, Suicidal Tendencies, GNR, Brian Adams, Ryan Adams, The SUN, Damien MArLeY, KaNYe, Panic at the Disco, Boys Night Out, Candlebox, U2, RATM, Radiohead, Cake, The Beatles, wesley willis, Chemical Brothers, the Killers, SeVeNdUST, 50s music, Big Band Jazz, Blues, The Cure, Elvis, The Who, Mr Big, Weezer, Tonic, 311, Tupac, Flock of Seagulls, UB40, Unwritten Law, Van Morrisson, Talk Talk, LTJ, Sunny Day Real Esate, ModeST Mouse, CriSS aNgeL((i meT him hes kickass)), Save Ferris, GoLdfiNger, Phish, Talking Heads, Madonna, The Voo Doo Glow Skulls, El General, Marvin Gaye, Chuck Berry, Natalie Imbruglia, Blanks 77, The Mighty MighTY Bosstones, The Sex Pistols, Michael Jackson, the deftones, STYX, EVe 6, Pearl Jam, ReeL Big FiSh, REM, AVril LAvigne, Shakira, Pink, Mike and the Mechanics, Butch Walker, Gavin DeGraw, Ross Copperman, Michael Bolton, Michelle Branch, Gin Blossoms, Mest, The Strokes, John waite, Anti-Flag, Sarah McLoughlin(i obviously cannot sPeLL!), RBF, Tupac (did i tYPe thAT aLreAdY?!), Foo Fighters, Mr. Vegas, The VeLVeT UNdergroUNd, The Turtles, Missy Elliot, The Goo Goo DoLLs, Santana, Ghetto Boys, Filter, Face to Face, ENigmA, ENYA, The Exploited, The eAgLeS, Fats Domino, Wang Chung, Mets Without Hats, Tiffany, Annie Lennox/The Eurythmics, Phantom Planet, Iron and Wine, TBS, Ben Folds, Ben Lee, Ben Kweller, Rancid, Depeche Mode, MichAeL JAckSoN, JANeT jACKSoN, The Violent Femmes, YArdbirdS, DAVeY HaVoC3, DurAN DurAN, Echo and the Bunnymen, Slayer, Floggin' Molly, The Wicked SOuNdtrACk, RENT, The Dropkick Murphys, The Scorpions, 3 Doors Down, PUSA, Erasure, Eisley, 1000 maniacs, Brand New, Sophie B Hawkins, Saves the day, Melissa Ethridge, The Finger, Bjork, Basement Jaxx, Bayside, Valeze((EriCA aNd i hAd the honor of interviewing lead singer Tiffany Randol)), QUeeN, The Juliet Dagger, Last CoNservatiVe.... That's eNoUgh for now!


Coyote Ugly, OFFICE SPACE, SUPER TROOPERS, NAPOLEAN, Oceans 11, Eternal Sunshine, When Harry Met Sally, Orgazmo, Before Sunset, Dodgeball, The Girl Next Door, Anchorman, Harold & Kumar, Casablanca, The Natural, Dirty Dancing, and plenty more.


The OC, Desperate Housewives, Oprah3, The Surreal Life wAs oddly appealing, Sex & The City, American Idol@ times, sometimes shows on MTV2/MTV/musak videos on Fuse, VH1, HOUSE, Grey's Anatomy, and the shows that teLL YoU how rich ceLebrities are..They always amuse me :)


The Catcher in the Rye, Object Lessons, The Great Gatsby, ANYTHING by JANET EVANOVICH (i met her and shesss as kickass as her noVeLs are!), and pLeNTY more, kids


My mom, dad, sister, and my friends. Hands down. You are all the most inspiring people in the world.