O13 is a soundsystem founded in 2007 to make a coalition between several crews in the o13 district (Belgium)
Caus were all friends we tought it was time to party and give parties to the people as one big group...Were a big group of artists and friends with only one task; spreading free music vibes...After some tests (salonto teknival, free party with obk/dfk, full dawa, AA...) it's time we start for real...Next time you can find us around Nancy, teknival first of may...Join us and share equally with us.
Only dead fish follow the stream
Samoth live @ feest legalsoundsystem 5-7-2008 http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids....
Samoth live @ free party Rilland
Nosejob live @ feest legalsoundsystem 5-7-2008 http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids....
Nosejob live @ free party rilland