too many to list here...I am into a lot of things.......
George W. Bush. I would really like to pick his brain, see where he is coming from. Honestly, no pun intended. Seriously. I am not joking.......
I love all music...Hell, even my old roommate got me listening to country music. I never thought I would see the day. Kanye West is the fucking man, and everybody his clique (Common, Mos Def, Talib Kweli, John Legend, etc.) make Hip-Hop and R&B worthwhile. Also, I am really digging Breaking Benjamin, Shinedown, Taproot, and the new 3 Doors Down. If you live outside of Columbia, SC, you need to check out rap/reggae/rock group The Movement and the best hip hopper outside of the mainstream, a man by the name of Dan Johns...He will blow your mind with his lyrical ability. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, I absoulutely worship Alice in Chains.......
I am a fan of almost any movie with John Cusack, Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman, and Will Ferrell. Ryan Reynolds is one of the great young comedic actors out right now, but he seems to get typecast for the same role in every of his movies. Tombstone, Goodfellas, and The Untouchables are my 3 favorite movies of all time, with Prehysteria 2 being one of the worst pieces of cinematic crap I have ever forced myself to sit through. I was fucked up when I saw that movie, and it sobered me up due to its god-awfulness.......
I love all crime dramas and FX television shows. "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" is at the top of my list right now because I can relate to the insanity that is their lives, having worked in bars for so long. The Simpsons is probably the greatest television show of all time, and, I might be in the minority here, but Seinfeld was NOT funny to me. I have seen just about every episode of that show and laughed at maybe 3. Jerry Seinfeld the comedian is brilliant, but that show was shit.......
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