SD Splits profile picture

SD Splits

I am here for Friends

About Me

My friends once got me to eat fifteen bananas on a dare once... so you figure it out.

Take the quiz:
Which Goonie r u?

You are and eater! You love food and are jewish. You are the punchline to a lot Of Mouth's jokes, but you don't let him get you down. You are super clumsy and an oaf, but still a very funny goonie.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

My Interests

i am a very versitile person who loves everything from music to working, so i got a job at a music store

I'd like to meet:

people who don't give up at the first sign of trouble, people who stand up for themselves. people who can make the world a better place.


here's some of my all time favorites:SundowmerHot Water Music, Lawrence Arms, Avail, NOFX,Rancid, AlkalineTrio, Less Than Jake, Bouncing Souls, Jai Henry, Eric Swanson, Chamberlain, Split Lip, Tuesday, Taking Back Sunday, Rumbleseat, Bruce Springstein, Billy Joel, Greenday, Screeching Weasel, MU330, Sunny Day,The Broadways, Slap Stick, Tenacious D, Promise Ring, Weakerthans, Death cab for cutie, Pedro The Lion, Jets To Brazil, Jawbreaker, Jonny Cash, The Beatles, Beach Boys, Van Morrison, Otis Redding, The Get Up Kids, Counting Crows, Heavens, blood sweet and tears, chicgao, willie, waylon, merle, decent county


The goonies,anything Kevin Smith, Kids in the Hall Brain Candy, Monty python and the Holy Grail, High Fidelity, School of Rock, old school, anchor man, almost famous, michael moore,a ton of other stuff


Simpsons, My Name is Earl, The office, Family Guy, King of the Hill, arrested development


jd salinger, hunter thompson, johnny cash.