Playing music at church. Playing music with the best Gospel jazz band in Alabama OVERFLOE!! Spending time with my wife. Cuz She is FINE!!!!!! Working with and on computers.
There is nothing more power than the universal voice of music. Music change hearts and minds, binds and pardons, accuses and forgives. It bring darkness and enlightenment, sorrow and joy, it even touches the ears of God! Fred Hammond, Isreal H., Kirk Franklin, Tonex, Tye Tribbet, Prince, The Time, E.W.F.(if you don't what that means you don't know the elements of good music)Bach,Old school hip-hop, T-bone, D.C. Talk, Sting, Mozart, John Williams(Superman, Star Wars, Olympics themes)Aaron Copeland, Level 42 Busta, Yolonda Adams, Commissioned, P.O.D
The Matrix, Star Wars(all of them), Revenge of the Nerds, Wierd Science.Lord of the Rings, Dragonslayer, About anything that is funny, not stupid, funny.
Mostly: HGTV, Food Network, Sci-fci, Daily Show and Colber Report(got to be Fair and Balanced), History Chanel, CNN, MSNBC and if I need to see something more than stupid FAUX news.
James Patterson books with Alex Cross as main character. John Maxwell leadership books.
First of all Jesus Christ then My Mom!! Also Wolverine from the X-Men "You got a problem with that Bub!"