It all started in the living room as Animal played guitar and Monster was fooling round with the bass. Drummer Jail Bird added the drums and BAM! we had a band. In came Skellington with the lead vocals. Then some unfortunate events happend when animal had to leave the band due to a move to georgia. In Johnny Demon(Dead Sled Demons/Lead Guitar) who still had our sound but with a little twist. few months went by as we got adjusted with the new guitarist. Then the debue went on at our first battle of the bands. After words a couple more months went by and we were progressing with new sounds but we decided that we wanted another guitarist. Matty Moonshine(Dead Sled Demons/Rythym Guitar) came into the band giving us that extra sound we need to progress to being a bigger and better band. Then Skellington had to leave the band allowing for Scotty Slaughter (Dead Slead Demons/lead Vox & Bass) to enter and take off as Graveyard Drifters new Lead VOX and Front Man in center stage. Hope you like the NEW SOUND!Grim grinning ghosts
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