The Kraneos nace un viernes 13 de octubre del 2005 como un concepto nuevo y diferente en la escena local de Mexicali B.C. El concepto inicial: crear música en la vena del “Horrorpunk†(Misfits, Blitzkid, The Other) y la cultura del DIY.
Buscando diferenciarse de las otras bandas de la región, adoptaron el contrabajo para substituir el bajo eléctrico, incorporando elementos del rockabilly aunnados al género punk, convirtiéndose en la primer banda de Psychobilly (Mad sin, Zombie Ghost Train, Rezurex, Koffin Kats) en Baja California, como parte de un movimiento que sólo existÃa en el underground de paÃses como Inglaterra y Alemania, ahora en USA y México, entre otros.
Las historias que cuentan The Kraneos parecen sacadas de las “pelÃculas de Horror B†tales como: Frankenstein, Night of the Living Dead, The Creature from the Black Lagoon, y demás clásicos del género, contrastantemente mezcladas con situaciones de la vida cotidiana.
Hasta el momento la banda ha distribuido el EP independiente “Spooky Tales From The Grave†grabado en el estudio Red House en el mismo Mexicali, y actualmente esta dando los toques finales a lo que será su primer cd de larga duración “Dead or Alive†que saldra bajo el sello de Cafeina Riot Radio Records.
A pesar de la corta edad, The Kraneos ha adquirido abundante experiencia en los escenarios gracias a las varias oportunidades que ha tenido la banda de alternar con grupos como: Misfits, The Adicts, Voodoo Glow Skulls, Marky Ramone, Rezurex, Blitzkid, The Other, 12 Step Rebels, Koffin Kats, Los Kung Fu Monkeys, The Aztro Zombies, Okploide,Los Pardos, Maskatesta, Panteon Rococó, Union 13, Inspector, 2 Minutos, Calavera, Calabrese, Todos Tus Muertos, Nana Pancha, La Coyota, Bye Sami, Plan 9,The Ghost Storys, Run Barbara Run, Los Helldandys,Romeo & the Frankensteins,Los Pardos,Los Enterradores,Wicked,Los Mad Ravens, TeleKrimen, Zombification, Graveyard Drifters, Bamboula, The Formaldehydes y bandas locales como Barra Brava, La Chelsea, Maniqui Lazer, Lipstick Terror, MisterEquis, Arsenal,No Moral, entre otros.
para fechas o cualquier cosa, mandanos un msg aqui al myspace.
The Kraneos is born Friday 13,October of 2005 like a new and different concept in the local scene from Mexicali B.C. The initial concept: to create music in the vein of the “Horrorpunk†(Misfits, Blitzkid, The Other) and the culture of the DIY. Looking to be different from the other bands of the region, adopting the contrabass to replace the electrical bass, incorporating elements of rockabilly combined to the sort punk, becoming the first band of Psychobilly (airborne magnetic detection without, Zombie Ghost Train, Rezurex, Koffin Kats) in Baja California, like part of a movement that only existed in underground of countries like England and Germany, now in the USA and Mexico, among others.
Many anectodes of The Kraneos seem to be from the “films of Horror B†such as: Frankenstein, Night of the Living Dead, The Creature from the Black Lagoon, and other classic ones of the sort, contrastingly mixed with situations of the daily life.
Until now the band has distributed to the independent EP “Spooky Tales From The Grave†recorded at the RedHouse studio in Mexicali, and giving the finish touch to what would be their first album "Dead or Alive" that will be out by Cafeina Riot Radio Records.
In spite of the short age, The Kraneos has acquired abundant experience in the scenes thanks to the several opportunities that the band has had to alternate with groups like: Misfits, The Adicts, Voodoo Glow Skulls, Marky Ramone, Rezurex, Blitzkid, The Other, 12 Step Rebels, Koffin Kats, Los Pardos, Los Kung Fu Monkeys, The Aztro Zombies, Okploide, Rococo Pantheon, Maskatesta, Union 13, Inspector, 2 Minutos, Calavera, Calabrese, Todos Tus Muertos, Nana Pancha, La Coyota, Bye Sami,Plan 9,The Ghost Storys,Run Barbara Run, Los Helldandys, Romeo & the Frankensteins,Los Pardos,Los Enterradores,Wicked,Los Mad Ravens, TeleKrimen, Zombification, Graveyard Drifters, Bamboula, The Formaldehydes and local bands as Barra Brava, La Chelsea, Maniqui Lazer, Lipstick Terror, MisterEquis, Arsenal,No Moral, among others.
For Shows/ Para Shows
send us a msg to our myspace /mandanos un msg a nuestro myspace
o to [email protected] / o a [email protected]
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And this is for the people that dont know where is Mexicali