movies, music, nature, going out, travelling swimming, having fun painting drawing, writting prose
Nice people
anything and everything currently listening to right now Alice in Chains new filter new nin korn
alot of films ill put in the main ones for now donnie darko the crow, raging bull,taxi driver, hanibi, spirited away, vampire hunter d bloodlust,Sin city more to be added :D
Lost, Prison Break, Heroes, Twin peaks, Roswell, Smallvile, Dark Angel, American Gothic
loads of books main book in life without a doubt is The Holy Qu'ran the book that holds a guide to everything and bring peace whenever read or listened to.for fun i love comics watchmen, v for vendetta, the crow, from hell, all sincity, batman, all spiderman all that stuff
Prophet Mohamed (Peace be upon him) his family and companions, All of the Prophets who were given divine messages from God.After that my dad he has always showed me never to give up and has proved to me on so many occassions how you can be something if you try too. my mum because shes one of the kindest most compassionate people ive ever met (im not being biasest coz she's my mum) :D. my family :D and all the people wanting to make the world a better place :D