Dana profile picture


Live life to the fullest, and every day as if it is your last

About Me

I am a very easy going person, lovin' life and savoring the spontaneity of being young. I feel like I have the world at my fingertips and I don't ever want that to end, it's the best feeling in the world! I am also known to spoil myself rotten. When I see something I want I have to have it, but I have a great job making a lot of commission to support that. I am also in school at Georgia State studying buisness, aspiring to be a lawyer (chriminal prosecutor). I love to model, but that is just a hobby more than anything. On the weekends I love to party and go out with friends. Wherever a good DJ is, you will find me there. I love electroinic music, especially HOUSE!

My Interests

I'm pretty much happy doing anything as long as I'm doing something. I love doing things outdoors like hiking, repelling, cave diving, or just taking a walk in the park with my dog Max. I LOVE amusement parks and canrnivals.I love shopping(suprise suprise). My weekneses include shoes, purses, coats and jewelry. It's really bad because I have very expensive taste, but trust me I am working on it;) At home I like to cook, read, and I've taken up a new hobby of traceing my genealogy which has been pretty interesting so far. I'm a big history buff, especially when it comes to European monarchys. I could really go on and on, but I'll spare you:)

I'd like to meet:

My grandfather. He died when my dad was 3 so I was never able to meet him. He was a WWII hero and died race car diving in the 50's. from the stories I hear he was an amazing person and I aparently look just like him.


I guess this is where your supposed to list every single artist that you've ever listened to, but I don't really feel like doing that so this will have to suffice. Music is what moves me. I have great repect for all types of music, except rap, which in my opinion is not music. My favorite is techno, but I'm also really into alternative like The Fray and Snow Patrol. I like anything soulfull.


My Favorite movie in the whole world is Dirty Dancing. I watch it every time it comes on TV even though I have it on DVD. Same with Forest Gump, best movie ever. And when I want to cry The Notebook is the best love story ever.


I love Friends and Sex in the City. I have every single season and watch them all the time. I am currently addicted to Grey's Anatomy, Lost and Desperate Housewives.


Anything by Mary Higgens Clark. I love my cheesy mystery novels:)


My grandmother. When my grandfather died she was left pregnant and with my dad who was only 3 years old. She didn't even know how to drive and had never worked before in her life. Most women in that time would have just gotten on welfare and lived the rest of their lives off the government, but not her. She learned how to drive, got a job at a bank and was able to put both of her kids through college. Her story has been told over and over to me ever since I can remember, and it has taught me to never rely on anything or anyone, because it can all change in a heartbeat.