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About Me

Sun Sign: Aquarius
Sun 27° Aquarius 33' Aquarius Horoscope
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Moon Sign: Libra
Moon 0° Libra 57' Libra Horoscope
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Rising Sign: Gemini
Ascendant 29° Gemini 35' Gemini Horoscope
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Powered by My life (well, human life in general) is really..REALLY ridiculous. every once in awhile when i'm alone (alot of the time around other people) i laugh at it, sometimes really hard.I wish i could get rid of all of the time keeping devices in the world.Those were just a really bad (and unnecessary) idea.Trying to understand existence as a whole in this reality, life, mind, and existence, for humans as a whole, is equivalent to trying to understand football by over analyzing a blade of grass.
I am currently reading Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez and The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. Reading well-written books has not improved my spelling or grammar, which is why Stephani has enlisted herself as my own personal editor. Any spelling or grammatical corrections are due to her anal retentive, pretentious, obsessive snobbery. I finished those books a long while ago. But I didn't care enough to change my profile because my opinions remain unchanged.
The Da Vinci Code is not well written or very eloquent. Love in the Time of Cholera is.
I am consumed by everything that is not superficial about life. That does not leave much to be consumed by.
A woman once told me that I reminded her of a Taoist because she has never seen me in a hurry.
I was Martian before reading "Stranger In a Strange Land".
I do not like to be very drunk. I did enough of that in high school.
I deeply appreciate exceptional (in my opinion) painting, photography, drawing, tattooing, music, poetry, and writing, but i don't make any of it well.
I, personally, cannot live on beauty.
My favorite part of love is its aftermath.
I don't like to cuddle after leprosy.
Chances are your profile alone is not going to be interesting enough to capture my attention or potential interest on its own. If you plan on talking to me or adding me, save us both time and send me a message before clicking that tired, overused "add friend" button.
I realize my existence is neither significant, nor insignificant. MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

Religions, Philosophy, Psychology, Theoretical Physics

I'd like to meet:

Jesus, Hades, Kali, Morrigu, Buddha, Krishna, Jung, Skinner, Piaget, Hitler, Ronald Regan, Ninjas, Samurai, Any man who can kill a man with a deodorant stick and make it look like an accident, Whoever invented the toilet brush (fucking genius), Someone who will give me $500 for no reason at all and not even expect to see me again or want so much as a thank you from me, annnnnnnd a japenese sword forger.


Music from my friends list that should be checked out: Southerly, Collide, Something for Kate, Birthday Massacre.And EVERYONE should hear pheneominal gitaurist Clinton J. Miller @


Donnie Darko, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Requiem for a Dream, Butterfly Effect, Matrix, SLC Punk, If Theses Walls Could Talk, Kissed, Silent Hill..shit i know theres more


dont care soo much about it


Prozac Nation, Girl Interrupted, Fahrenheit 451, Romeo and Juliet, Speak, Frames of Mind (theory of multiple intelligences), Whispers, Another Roadside Attraction, Love in the Time of Cholera, Stranger in a Strangeland

My Blog

Without a Vessle

All I'm going to post here is a few fragments that are all i could think of to accuarely describe something I was thinking on earlier this eveneing (wee mabe 8PM?)RequimDesireSurrealSolaceFlightWrists...
Posted by Peter on Tue, 23 May 2006 08:59:00 PST


We're all in a state of survial here. It's a feral ruthless nature of existance beating strong and clear in all of us. The chrsitans refer to it as the sin nature. We get jelous, selfish, cling to tho...
Posted by Peter on Wed, 22 Feb 2006 01:15:00 PST

Collide song lyrics

Heres the lyrics to my profiles song.   Euphoria i calibrate you could get lost along the way i confiscate you while i find the meaning i feel i could not escape you i feel i could not...
Posted by Peter on Tue, 14 Feb 2006 10:42:00 PST


Once you truly find your question, the answer wont matter so much anymore. Death sustains beauty. Without death beauty would fade out, there would be no need contrast or basis for its existance. The...
Posted by Peter on Tue, 14 Feb 2006 10:35:00 PST

I dont know why you would read it, and dont try to make sense of it, not much is literal

I am exausted, i want to go to sleep and enjoy the fanticys and dillushions of enjoying the few things which really are as opposed to existing in the reality of existing soo deeply and clinging to you...
Posted by Peter on Fri, 20 Jan 2006 08:30:00 PST

"Everything in its Right Place"

hey kids, been listening to radioheads 'everything in its right place for awhile, im on my 4th repeat at the moment. the reason being is i cant sleep, my pervibial footing is off or i missed a beat, ...
Posted by Peter on Fri, 09 Dec 2005 03:17:00 PST

early morning ramble

mhe, this blog thing isnt working out when my thoughts are more intuitive and less logical lately...i keep forming answers to pacify impossible questions but im never satisfied for long..i suppose som...
Posted by Peter on Tue, 15 Nov 2005 07:03:00 PST

Pattern enigma

Find the next line and post it incomment, if next line already found  post the line that comes after the comment posted, if you've seen this before dont post and dont post more than one line afte...
Posted by Peter on Mon, 17 Oct 2005 09:21:00 PST


So i dont often write in my blog. the reason is i hate how typed words and cemented statements always inevitably fail to explaine my meaning as well as i wanted it to be understood. my communication i...
Posted by Peter on Sun, 16 Oct 2005 09:43:00 PST

Online survey thingy

1. How tall are you?: 5'11" 2. Do you own a gun?: yepp, muzzle loader for target shooting 3. Rehab? Counseling?: not anymore 4. Have you ever killed an animal?: bugs 5. Are you Irish?: nop...
Posted by Peter on Wed, 21 Sep 2005 01:29:00 PST