the matreh maneuver profile picture

the matreh maneuver

I am royally annoyed. With myself.

About Me

Madly Mischievous Matreh
"Matreh isn't exactly the kind of man you'd bring home to Mom. Though he's playful and has a wonderfully ironic sense of humor, Matreh's one character flaw (his proclivity for polymathy) can be off-putting. But at heart Matreh is the perfect gentleman, supportive of his own ideas, and interested only in mucking-up with people who really deserve his special visit. Reh is quite good-looking but totally indifferent to (and, frankly, a bit puzzled by) the attentions paid to him by women. Despite the fact that he can't stand the idea of manipulative advertising bung, he works as a designer for most of his time, a job that allows him to keep tabs on the latest "cool and clever shit", and a great-beat crap thinker for the rest of it, keeping an eye open for his next quarry."
- Matreh -

My Interests

    Flash and motion Freerunning Swap meets/ Flea market Torrents Cheap books Microsoft-bundled computer games Google and Wiki and Cosmos Board games Comics Typography Zen Beat Generation Gonzo mengumpul setem

I'd like to meet:

The People, yeh I have a lot of questions for ya.




    Dexter Wonderfalls Zodiac POTC 3 - At World's End Number 23 The Shooter Days of Glory 88 Minutes Flags of Our Fathers Letter from Iwo Jima The Last Mimzy


TV makes you docile.
Like Hindu cows.



    Sin City - Hell and Back Dik Cerdas Jeff Lindsay's Darkly Dreaming Dexter Reader's Digest June 07 Hellboy - Wake The Devil


Me ma.

My Blog

Kenapa Harus Cinta

Saya ada kuda dibuat oleh ayahLeher pakai tali kudaku mau lari, heyKudaku garang ekornya sangat panjangKuda ayah buat dari pelepah pisang
Posted by the matreh maneuver on Fri, 11 May 2007 10:14:00 PST

sakerhets tandstickor

mari tuan puan dengar ini cerita suami mejoh asyik kembali awal saja ada pembantu baru katanya tentu ia perempuan muda kan abg dah kata axion namanya axion ke azian.. hmmph tunjukkan saya sebelum ini,...
Posted by the matreh maneuver on Fri, 25 Nov 2005 10:00:00 PST