lying down while fighting the seven signs of aging,stroking my potbelly for good luck and reassurance, and dancing like a rabid monkey for the greater good of malaysia,for it is truly asia
oh,lovely bands who want my friendship. i would love to add u if u are as cool as u say,but my myspace is fucked up so i cant listen to any of ur profound music.if anyone knows how to fix it hit me back.ill give u candy.
Your Famous Last Words Will Be:
"I dunno, press the button and find out."
What Will Your Famous Last Words Be?
new young pony club,klaxons,stars,clap your hands say yeah,the rakes,editors,atdi,cut copy,yeah yeah yeahs,presets,kings of leon,strokes,bloc party, interpol,placebo,pusa,metric,bob dylan,patti smith,jens lekman,ani difranco,all glorious musical outfits related to jenny lewis and her divine self
donnnie darko,the life aquatic with steve zissou, garden state, i heart huckabees, city of god,requiem for a dream,quentin tarantino films, memento,trainspotting,amelie,being john malkovich, almost famous, cant hardly wait(i may have a slight thing for skinny nerds), the shining,the virgin suicides, zoolander, napolean dynamite (heck yesss)
little britain,arrested development("koo koo ka cha!!"),scrubs,bromwell high,degrassi junior high,we could be heroes,heroes
1984,fight club,a clockwork orange, animal farm, to kill a mockingbird,100 YEARS OF SOLITUDE,nightfall,DAVID SEDARIS, girl interrupted,the alchemist, SHOPGIRL,stephen king
bill murray,because he is a sexy wrinkly beast.jenny lewis, because in our tennis outfits we can both be 'bjorn secular'.