Robert Fripp, Jan Garbarek, Tomasz Stanko (once more) and finally - ASAP Ashley Jones with his beautiful wife Melanie (they are still very busy - I'm so grieved...)
jazz, blues, classic music, progressive rock 1966 - 1975, some cheerful insanities in modern pop (no rap and dance (maybe sometimes..)), ROBERT FRIPP andZAPPA ZAPPA ZAPPA ZAPPA ZAPPA ZAPPA ZAPPA ZAPPA ZAPPA ZAPPA ZAPPA ZAPPA ZAPPA ZAPPA ZAPPA ZAPPA
All the best-loved films of MARILYN MONROE and: Monty Python, Rosselini, Monty Python, Antonioni, Monty Python, Fellini, Monty Python, Louis Malle, Monty Python, Scorsese, Monty Python, Cohen bros, Monty Python, Polanski, Monty Python, Kieslowski, Monty Python, Lynch, Monty Python, Peter Brook, Monty Python, Alan Parker, Monty Python, Altman, Monty Python, Kusturica, Monty Python, A & J Kondratiuk, Monty Python, Bareja, Monty Python, Woody Allen, Monty Python, Eisenstein, Monty Python, Orson Welles, Monty Python, Bergman, Monty Python, Bunuel, Monty Python, Schlendorf, Monty Python, Herzog, Monty Python, Wenders, Monty Python, Godard, Monty Python, Truffaut, Monty Python... Zappa
Champions and Premier League, weather report.
Borges, Cortazar, Marquez, Dostoyevski, Tolstoy, Tchekhov, Proust, Sartre,Bulatovic, Singer, Grass, Bandura, Vonnegut, Dos Passos, Milne.
Winnie the Pooh