-Fredo- profile picture


My moustache still tastes of your testes!

About Me

Hi, my name is Fredo. My Grandmother said that my mom should have had an abortion before I was born, now I'm her favorite grandchild. Funny how things work out.I am also Dayman fighter of the Nightman, Champion of the Sun, Master of Karate, AND FRIENDSHIP for Everyone.So I'm a college student majoring in P.R. and minoring in broadcasting (radio). I work for a pretty cool company...most of time. I know a lot of random crap and I'm way rad to talk to and tons of fun, just ask my friends. I thank God(s) everyday for the great people in my life, my friends and family are the only reason I'm alive right now. I really miss my dog Zeke, and my Negro Hondo, Love You Bro, RIP I'll see ya again. I also like this smiley thing that says "Woot!", and dancing milk cartons. Stuffs tight.(edited for Ashley)

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Howard Stern and Company (F-Jackie),Thursday, the band, not the day, Rosario Dawson, Michelle DeLaRosa and the rest of Straylight Run, The Mars, Volta, Johnny Depp, Gene Simmons, Lance Bass, Kevin Federline, Bill Murray, Wes Anderson, The makers of TAB, Jesus, Buddah, Allah, Xenu, Shiva, and ANYONE without a stick up their ass, because that would be awkward talking to someone with a stick in their ass. Think about it.


I mostly listen to talk radio, Howard Stern is ace in my book, along with a bunch of others: Rome, Kidd Chris, Phil Hendrie. My favorite bands/artists are PRINCE, Thursday, Straylight Run, The Mars Volta, Pete Yorn, and Ibriham Ferrah (RIP). I can pretty much listen to anything, but please don't tell me that Hinder, Nickleback and Evanessence are cutting edge because if you think that, then you can use that cutting edge on your wrist and do us all a favor.


These are my favorite flicks: 1.Rushmore, 2.Bottle Rocket, 3.The Life Aquatic, 4.The Royal Tenembaums (Wes Anderson Other Directors), 5.Freddy Got Fingered (It really hurt, in a let's do it again kinda way), 6.Dazed & Confused (ask me about the drinking game), 7.Private Parts, 8.Thank You For Smoking (My Future, Maybe), 9.Big Fish, 10.Love Actually (yeah its a chick flick, big deal). I also watch my Stella dvd's way too much. "How about I'm not your bitch."Pan's Labyrinth was super kick ass. I wish to own an actual copy and not a burned one...my birthday is in August...ya get what I'm saying. Knocked Up was funny as hell too, cept it's depressing to watch in a theater in the Valley alone. Whaaaa.


Most of the time I'm not paying attention, TV sucks now, I really miss Pete & Pete and Out of This World. Whats on now that I like: Its Always Sunny, various dating shows, South Park, The Sarah Silverman Program, Crap on Vh-1, NGC, TLC, Discovery Channel, The Office, the Chiller Network,The Whitest Kids U'Know, The Twilight Zone, Spurs Games, WWE, TNA, CMLL, AAA, Football Matches on Sundays, NASCAR(I'm a hickspanic), and Prison Break because Prison is cool, just ask my dad.


Currently Reading: Hunter S. Thompson's "Kingdom Of Fear". (I've had that one on there forever, I should really finish it.) I've read a lot of books and that makes me like smart and stuff. Some favorites are "The Dark Tower Series" by S. King, "Naked Pictures of Famous People", by John Stewart, "Superfudge" by that racist Judy Blume and that one book where that girl gets her first period. It was a touching story.


I have a lot of respect for a lot of people, but my only hero is Isidoro Martinez, he was the greatest man to ever live, and he gave me a drink of beer when I was 1. Thanks Wedo.

My Blog

The Hypothetical Game....

There's a game that I've played since I was in the Marine Corps...Dave, Popies, Jordan, Cesar...you guy's will remember this one.The Hypothetical Game.What this "game" consists of, is asking a questio...
Posted by -Fredo- on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 07:30:00 PST

Fredotorial Vol. 2, See You In Hell Jerry...

So it seems as though I'm a bad, wretched, horrible, person, there's a majority of people who seem to think so, and of course the majority can't be wrong, can they? So playing into that, the...
Posted by -Fredo- on Wed, 16 May 2007 01:56:00 PST

Fredo + Editorial = A Fredotorial

First off, I just want to say that I am by no means a fan of The Don Imus Radio Show, it is mildly entertaining at it's best...at it's best, and the guy has a reputation for being an asshole...
Posted by -Fredo- on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 05:29:00 PST

I'm tired of blogging...

The creative juices arent flowing much anymore, and I have more important things on my mind, so I dont think I'm going to blog for a while. Sure I have stuff to write about, but meh. Maybe next month....
Posted by -Fredo- on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 05:07:00 PST

d. Fredo Celebrates Black History Month

February; Lincoln's Birthday, Presidents Day, Valentines Day, Mardi Gras, Ash Wednesday, heck there's even a chance that there might be a 29th day&oh you tricky leap year.   But the most importan...
Posted by -Fredo- on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 12:03:00 PST

Michael Bay Joins The Ranks Of Rascal Flatts. (AKA THINGS THAT SUCK)

So this weekend me and the Ole Ball and Chain (Liz) decided to catch a flick, since we were on a time constraint, we had to choose between two shows, one being Alpha Dog,  and the other bein...
Posted by -Fredo- on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 02:05:00 PST

I Wanted To Write About Becky, But For Some Reason The Cosby Show Was On My Mind...

I know Becky wanted me to write about our time spent hanging out at Ropers....but not enough happend that night. There was no driving while she was passed out in the passenger seat soaked in her own u...
Posted by -Fredo- on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 02:14:00 PST

Why I'm The Most Intellegent Man In The World, and A Mean, Drunk Mexican.

It's been a long morning, I had to go to court to take care of my drinking and driving legality issues, and it turns out, the $1,500 I spent on my lawyer wasn't enough to make him remember that I...
Posted by -Fredo- on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 02:23:00 PST

Fredos 2 For 1 Special: My Halloween Night and an Epic Tale...Enjoy.

Remember when Halloween used to last till midnight, and we would run around, throw eggs, toilet paper houses, have pixie stick sugar rushes that should have put us on Intervention, and be able to...
Posted by -Fredo- on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 04:13:00 PST

919, No Freaking Way.

  So recently I heard about a video that was shot for "The Worlds Largest Gang Bang", while I am an advocate for first amendment rights, porn is losely (no pun intended) covered b...
Posted by -Fredo- on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 04:51:00 PST