About Me
NC HXC power violence noisecore grind etc... there are a couple copies of the yatagarasu split cd left you can order from stickfigure distro (http://stickfig.securesites.net/catalog/product_info.php?pr
bands we have played with: wolverines, cloacal kiss, ampere, moustache farm, thus spoke, robinson, sooty foots, dj buttcutt, zeus, moustache farm again, john stewart and the daily show, charlesXbarkely revival, some homeless poet guy who took the stage and asked people for money, racoon party, blonde girls, twinkie bots, royal bangs, hot cross, ampere again, das oath, femme covert, dylan gilbert, beelzebub youth, the puttys, dylan gilbert again, yatagarasu, beelzebub youth again, snail ears, the drowsies, femme covert again, subscape annex, nick saloman, wire mother cloth mother, pacific before tiger, ear pwr, a bunch of awsome people on the summer tour, feral jazz children, the lonely roaches, the buddys,
more summer recordings are in progress