March 28th-Internship starts-Group B March 27th-Internship starts-Group A March 21st-Christal's Baby Shower March 20th-Technique-Injury Rehabilitation March 19th-Physiology Exam March 18th-Technique-Postural Techniques March 14th-Health Review and Exam; Business Review and Exam March 13th-Hydrotherapy review and Exam March 12th-Physiology review.March 11th-Guest massage #3. March 7th-Debbie gave us a really good review on Hydrotherapy, Health, Business, and 1/2 of physiology. Mar 6th-Hydrotherapy Hot & cold Applications. We also reviewed Health, Business and Physiology. Mar 5th-Physiology: Respiratory, Digestive, & Urinary Systems. Mar 4th-Technique review; full body massages Feb 29th-Health: Client Health Assessment; Business: Ethics and Regulatory requirements. We took a field trip to Tranquil Retreat. Feb 28th-Cold Applications of Hydrotherapy. We all got to put bags of ice on our bare backs, then got a rub down with a piece of ice! For any of you who missed out, you suck!!! Feb 27th-Physiology Endocrine, Circulatory(Lymphatic), & Reproductive Systems. pgs 520 & 537 in Salvo(there's no mention of the reproductive system in any of our books) Feb 26th-Practical Exam. Everyone did really well! Congrats! One more test out of the way!Feb 22nd-Review day. We made cell pizzas and cakes. We also worked on some hot packs and got a good review for the State practical exam. Feb 21st-Hydrotherapy 1 Hot applications. We read through the chapter in DT(pg 105) and Salvo(pg 616). We practiced using hot stones, heated rice bags, hot water packs, parafin treatments. hot water foot spas, and steam facials. Feb 20th-Physiology We reviewed the nervous system from Friday, Feb 15th. We got the correct answers to the end of chapter review. Feb 19th-Trigger point therapy. We partnered up and learned how to find differnt trigger points, then worked on our partner's specific needs. Feb 15th-Physiology 2 Nervous system. We read through chapter 17, drew pictures of neurons, cells, the skin and the brain. We also did the end of chapter review.Feb 14th-We had review and integration today. Debbie went over the Clinical massage we had originally learned on Tuesday. Mainly, we practiced techniques on how to stretch out the illiopsoas, piriformis, and QL. We also had our Valentine's Day celebration. I've got pics to add from that. Feb 13th-Physiology 1 Cells, Tissue and Integumentary System Chapters 11 and 12 in Salvo. We did the end of chapter reviews. There are only 5 Physiology classes so start studying now!Feb 12th-Intro to Clinical Massage. Pages 92 & 93 in Developing Technique; see also pages 642-663 in Salvo. We practiced finding trigger points on our partners, using page 659 in Salvo and the sequence on page 652 in Salvo. Jan 9th- We went over the leg muscles, on pages 432-451 on The Salvo(MTPP) book. We also played a game to review everything pertaining to Anatomy that we have learned so far.Jan 8th- Massage exchanges and team meetings & discussion.Jan 4th- We played a game to review the skeletal system and superficial muscles in the Salvo book on pages 413-475. We received a handout from Stacy with the vertebral column. We completed the after chapter review on pages 476-479. Our instructor was Rusty.Jan 3rd- PR team has clean up this week...we learned some new techniques. Specifically Rythmic touch. We will have another class where we learn sequencing of these movements. Rusty was our instructor.Dec 20th class- Don't forget this is our first Guest Massage. No Jeans, tuck in your shirts, and be professional. Group A goes first, massage starts at 9:30 clients should arrive at 9:15. Group B goes second, massage starts at 11:00 clients should arrive at 10:45. The massages are 1 hour and make sure you partner up with a classmate that you can honestly evaluate.This is the website we talked about in class on Nov 28th for the TX Dept of Health in relation to massage licenses.