sìxx profile picture


I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!

About Me

nothin' special.....well, I'm a pretty good dancer if you know what I mean... I bet I got a few moves you aint never seen...

My Interests

Live - Music

I'd like to meet:

Die Wahrheit.


Guns n' Roses


"Als Hirte erlaube mir, zu dienen mein Vater Dir. Deine Macht reichst Du uns durch Deine Hand, diese verbindet uns wie ein heiliges Band. Wir waten durch ein Meer von Blut, gib uns dafür Kraft und Mut. In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti!" Der blutige Pfad Gottes


Dittsche – Das wirklich wahre Leben


Die Möglichkeit einer Insel Michel Houellebecq


the blues

My Blog

the chariot @ Molotow Hamburg (D) on January 16, 2007

a night with the chariot. this was the second "chariot" live show i have seen so far and it was once again pure energy. if you haven't seen these guyz playing live  you should take your next chan...
Posted by dead|smart|alìen on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 05:14:00 PST