Roller derby! Ref fetishes, giving belly rubs to dogs, enjoying a good bottle of wine, watching football, ice cold Newcastle, having nowhere to be, game days, working up a sweat, eating avocados, playing trivia (except vs. Steve), hurling myself down a mountain on a snowboard, taco flavored keeses from Sofia.
Other OCD derby-ers. People that are badass. People that want to be badass.
An eclectic mix...
Better Off Dead, Usual Suspects, King Pin, Me, Myself, and Irene, American Beauty, Cider House Rules, American History X, The English Patient (along with everything else Ralph Fiennes is in), The Breakfast Club (and all other John Hughes/Brat Pack movies), Good Fellas, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Sleepers...this could go on forever.
I miss my fucking DVR. PROJECT RUNWAY. Little time for much else.
True Crime, anything biographical or based on real events, The Secret Garden, To Kill a Mockingbird, Wuthering Heights. Just got done reading A Million Little Pieces and My Friend Leonard by James Frey, Still Life With Woodpecker, Trinity, and Mila 18(both by Leon Uris)
My sister, my teammates, Mandi Mayhem, Helen of Destroy, my smarty pants boyfriend, my crazy ma, Ruff'n the Mutha Fuckin' Passer, Sadistic Sadie, blockers that make me see stars, jammers that make me work for it. My BFF Jenn who loved me when no one should have.