People. Sushi. Movies that make me forget about this world. Big butts and I cannot lie( Just the quote. Not Sir Mix Alot ) People that believe in something and stay true to it not just for the moment individuals. And Freedom. In any sense... ..................ITALIAN SHOOTING INSTRUCTOR
..........................Me and Damon in funny music video.
...Uncle Pecos from Tom and Jerry. HILARIOUS!...And as for my music prefs. It all depends on the mood. Frank is amazing. And no one. And I repeat no one will ever attain the skills of The Notorious B.I.G. HOLLA!!!...
This one family video I have of my family. It's hilarious. Don't ask me to see it. The Passion. And all the guy flicks.
No Reality. It's fake. Anything else. The spanish channel is hilarious.
Walden and Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau and The Cat in the Hat.
Pat Benatar...My mother and God Almighty for blessing me the life that I have. I wouldn't change it for anything.