Artists, musicians, fun people without fucked up attitudes.People who create stuff and fans of all of these people. You guys are the ones that make it all happen.On the subject of adding people to my page. Other than some family and friends that actually know me, I'm trying to make it a place for music people and art people to mingle. I don't just add anybody. If I've invited you, its because I like what you do, simple as that. I know how hard it is to be in a band and make it work. If you've asked to be added, and I haven't responded, it doesn't mean I think you suck. It means I have listened to your stuff, and it probably isn't to my twisted sense of taste. I'm all over the map, and it either floats my boat or doesn't. I don't have the heart to click the Deny button, because I respect your hard work and I'm not going to insult you by doing that. So if you have been waiting there more than a week or two, know that I've listened and I'm not going to add you, sorry.If you are fans of musicians or artists on my page, please come join us NO HATERS though, unless you hate American Idol then welcome aboard ;=)Regarding Comments. If you are on my page, I like something about you, and I trust you. I will probably only delete comments that are hate based, or porn related, as I do have family members on my page. For the most part, I'm pretty open minded and free thinking, and have a warped sense of humor. If you are under 18, be careful who you are in communication with on My Space. I'm not a counsler and I can't help you with any drama. If you fing you are feeling confused about things or have a problem and want to talk to someone qualified, please start here: teen helpine, If you want to see a counselor, call this number : 1- 800-969-6642. Parents, I urge you to take an interest in what your kids are up to online. It may surprise you. Try to talk to them, and listen to what they are telling you. Tell them you love them, and hug them often. They need you!And if that wasn't enough, here is Gravy Train!
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Kamikaze Girls, Death Trance, Performance, TLA and Strand movies. Sci Fi schlock.
Television is pretty dismal.
Recently read: "Scar Tissue" by Anthony Kiedis. I also liked "Chronicles volume one" by Bob Dylan. "Grapes Of Wrath" by John Stienbeck.
Me- Just for surviving my own stupidity this long! My mom and my partner Jon for just putting up with me and all my little issues.I have many new heros among the younger people in the music community I've been hooking up with in the past couple of years.1. Johnnie Munger - For bringing such a positive vibe to the music scene in L.A..2. Die Bene Tleilax - Just because we seem to really click, and I really like what he does musically.3. The Hop Frog Kollective - For existing period!4. Leer Jet - There is no stopping this man.5. Dierdre Brinlee - Because she just gets in there and does it, and then does it some more.6. Zerne Shot - She inspires me with just her laughter and by how much she has grown.7. Mr. RoMak - For daring to be himself. That is not always an easy thing to do.8. Xiomara - Her star shines brightly.9. Edgar Payne - A beautiful spirit.