guys with cable
anything (except everything).Nina Simone, Joanna Newsom, pinback, CocoRosie, The Album Leaf, air, m83, if you're feeling sinister by bill and sebastian hot chip, the blow, the knife, neutral melk hotelthe arcade fire, devendra banhoontz, antony and the jizzles, sufjan stetson, , old modest mouse (thanks), chicks on sheeps, Miles of Davis, the sea and cake, (delicous) gravytram!!!, the moldy peaches, kimya dawson, scissor seesters, tilly and the whale, Peaches, daft pork, bjork, blonde redhead, dolly porton, cat powers, amazing 90's hits? wHuitney houston? destiny's child? ahh mean... Billie Holiday, Louis Armstrong, jets to brazil, ray charles the whitest boy alive. and free radio san diego, 96.9 FM.