Things that are new Things that smell "new" Things that smell "old" Things that are old Whatever "other people" tell me is cool The process of reverse osmosis G.I. Joe The Mental and the physical Breakin' fools
Pink Floyd,Anything Les Claypool touchesBucketHead,Electronic~(House and D&B only~Fuck Trance!)Mf DoomMc ChrisAll the 60s~70s Psychedelia~Rock~MetalG-LoveBen HarperHorns-I played trumpet for 10 years so anything with brass is the shit.....Pretty much everything besides bible thumphin~GW Bush country music
Fear and LoathingThe WallThe Devils RejectsAll Quentin Tarantino and Tim Burton filmsKung Fu films of any typeAlmost anything in the Horror genre
Adult SwimFamily guyThe SimpsonsThe SopranosSouth ParkAnimation in GeneralCubs Games