Hm. What else can I say to fill in this section. Well, I'm an insomniac most times, like now. It's coming on 2:30am and I have to be up at 6:45am. I'm a winner. I waste my time when I cant sleep on youtube watching music videos or whatever nonsense I can find. That, or I pop in a movie and veg.
Speaking of movies, I have like ten billion dvds. Well, or rather 240+ dvds. Its a sickness, but whatever I'm not complaining. My favorite genre is Horror, especially supernatural horror. Mindless gore annoys me. I need a movie with a plot or I'm easily bored with it.
Hmm what else. I love dogs. I've decided that I'm going to take over the world with an army of dogs. It's inevitable. :] Mwahahahaha. I like cats, even though my cat is evil and tries to murder me on a regular basis. It's a love/hate thing.
I honestly don't know what else to say. I hate the word indeed, I LOVE Roller Coasters even though I'm afraid of heights, I just turned 21 as of Dec 19th 2007, technology hates me which sucks because I work with computers, I should be sleeping, I have a few guilty pleasures and love every one of them, andddddd.....I cook. Bwahaha. Oh and I bake too. I don't make cakes, though. Don't ask me. I'll kill you. Cakes + me = death. :] Everything else is fair game, though.