Photography, snowboarding, hiking, shopping, music, Italy
People that can carry on intelligent conversations and make me laugh. I'd also like to meet John Stewart (see above qualifications), Salvador Dali, Sophe Calle, and your mom.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones, REC LEAGUE, Frank Sinatra, Queen, Aimee Mann, Billy Holiday, Billy Idol, Atmosphere, De La Soul, Ugly Duckling, Tribe Called Quest, Louis Armstrong, Saves the Day, The Coup, MF Doom, Devin the Dude, Johnny Cash, Outkast, Prince, old MJ
Fight Club, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Empire Records, Kill Bill 1 & 2, Pulp Fiction, Good Fellas, Anchor Man, 40 Year old Virgin, What Dreams May Come, Blow
Scrubs, 30 Rock, Flavor of Love, most shameless reality shows, SNL
The DaVinci Code. My Sister's Keeper. La Storia: Romanza. Dude, Where's My Country? Lies and the Lying Liers Who Tell Them, Post Secret, Found, The Glass Castle
Henry Fox Talbot and Jacques Louis Daguerre