Fabulous profile picture



About Me

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.. Status Icons..Hey guys, thanks for checking me and my myspace out ;o)First a lil plug for my forum and site . For more info, pics etc check out both these sites! http://lulusplace.forumwise.com/ http://www.lushlulu.moonfruit.com/ Well anyway lil bit about me. This is going to turn into a lil essay so brace yourselves...I'm Louise, I'm 21 years old and I come from the glamorous county known as Essex!! I've been featured in mags such as Maxim, Loaded, ICE, Nuts and Zoo. I'm very ambitious and determined to give modelling my best shot. It annoys me when people percieve you to be something you're not just because of the way u look and/ or the fact that, in my case, I have pictures of me not wearing very much! lol. I know a lot of people don't even bother to read this bit but I shall say it anyway! Looks definately can be deceiving. I'm not your typical glamour model wannabe type person. In fact I'd rather keep my clothes on more but my lack of height has kinda put paid to that! I can be a verrrrrry shy person and am often very quiet around people I don't know too well, what you think you see isn't always what u get. I'm not a floozy (lol, i love that word!) Unless I am drunk but that is something completely different!! lol. Just because I have pics of me in my undies doesn't mean I'm on here looking for sex! (I mean really, what sane person would come on myspace looking for sex?!?! lol) I'm not THAT dumb either. I did go to uni, but it just wasn't for me. Ps my hair, nails, eyes? and boobs (as if you couldn't tell) are all mine.My dislikes: OK things that really piss me off. People on msn, the weirdos who add you and then ask who you are. It's like er u added me!? Who the hell are u? lol I sound like sucha snob. Men in vans who get pissed off and shout at you when you don't fall at their feet after they beep their horns excessively and use the words "alright" "darling" and the sentence "give us ya number love, oi oi" *rolls eyes insanely.* Ahhh it drives me up the bleedin wall. Sorry if you're a man in a van im sure you're lovely it's just that I must have been encountering the ones that were dropped on their heads as children.Anyways happy times: Things I love include: modelling, clothes, The 80's yay! lol. Bright colours, primark the best shop possibly ever, yes I am a tramp. Oooh Ann summers, La senza etc. Shoes, underwear, holidays, canada, america, cooking, alcohol, food and lots of it and plain old having fun. woo. That's me for now.Sorry if u message me n i take forever to reply. I will try n get round to it as soon as possible. Though im more likely to respond to comments as it's easier that way. Thankyou kind people for all your support and loving it is appreciated :o)Well done for reading this far. Just a lil test, if u message me... make the subject "pink penguins" then I'll know you actually read the profile hehe.
Your Boobies' Names Are...
Kermit and Miss Piggy Boobie Name Generator

My Interests

Modelling, photography,fashion, make up, beauty, travelling, films, music, having fun, cooking loooooool how dull. Though modelling and travelling are definately tops. I'd love to just run away and travel the world. Some places I've been to and loved and highly recommend - Toronto, New York, Las Vegas, Boston, Ottowa, Florida, Vancouver, montreal, Spain lol, Greece and France. I soooo want to go to Australia though especially sydney, also would love to go Hong Kong. Ah we'll see hehe.

adopt your own virtual pet!How cute is that! haha

I'd like to meet:

Nice people, interested in modelling really. just generally down to earth people.


How fit is Avril?! hehe :pBit of a random mix really. Sexy music like Marvin Gaye, Luther Vandross, Lionel Ritchie lol etc, dirty slutty rock music, Avril Lavigne, panic at the disco, Love Mariah Carey's stuff old and new, Kelly Clarkson, Maroon 5, R Kelly, James Morrison, the feeling, Brandy, Lionel Ritchie, Luther Vandross!! LOL o Phil Collins hehe! Cassie, Rhianna. But whatever really, I'm not that fussy.


There are lots but I'll try n keep it short. Dirty dancing haha typical girl, labyrinth, The illusionist, lucky number slevin, jackie brown, Sliding doors, how to lose a guy in ten days, from hell actually anything with Jonny Depp in it because I think he's a very talented man and not just coz he's gorgeous, im not that shallow you know! um pulp fiction, just friends, beetlejuice lol i could go on...


Don't really watch much lately. Er Desperate housewives when i remember it's on! Eastenders and neighbours hehe. Greys anatomy.




Angelina Jolie! lol what can I say, amazing laydee. Erm also Avril lavigne coz she kicks a*s, Kate Moss druggie or no druggie shes 1 hell of a successful model though the poor gal has appaling taste in men (apart from Jonny Depp of course!)Adriana Lima amazing model.

My Blog

Zoo magazine

Hey guys, just to let you know I'm in this weeks Zoo magazine, as you can probably tell from my profile pic anyway but still! lol. Lulu -x-
Posted by Fabulous on Sat, 14 Jul 2007 07:02:00 PST

My Celebrity Look-alikes

Posted by Fabulous on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 06:46:00 PST

Grrr hackers

  How annoying. Sorry if anyone got a weird comment from me at all, it wasn't actually me. Bleedin hackers lol....
Posted by Fabulous on Thu, 31 May 2007 02:33:00 PST


eloooo guys, hope everyone's good. Just a lil blog to ask, well beg for some votes in the bykerbabe comp. Lot's of 10's would be lovely...   hehe. The link is here, if you'd be so kind. http://ww...
Posted by Fabulous on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 02:09:00 PST

Race for life

Hey guys, Just a quick note to say I've finally entered the Race for life event! I hope to raise lots of money for a very worthy cause and get fit along the way hehe. To visit my sponsorship page you'...
Posted by Fabulous on Sat, 03 Mar 2007 03:47:00 PST

Booking me for work

I'm going to add this info to my profile later but I thought I'd just write it in a blog first. If you have any GENUINE offers of work I'm perfectly happy to consider them but please don't contact me ...
Posted by Fabulous on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 02:40:00 PST

My Celebrity Look-alikes

Posted by Fabulous on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 02:58:00 PST

Fit for men

Hey lovely people, hope all is good in the land of u!! (does that make sense, god knows...) Anyyyyyyway... I'm just asking for a bit of help in this competition, where they have spelt my name totally ...
Posted by Fabulous on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 02:53:00 PST

Zoo mag

Just to let you know I'm in this weeks Zoo, in the knicker drawer feature. yay. So if you've got the mag go check it out and if not, buy it!  hehe -x-...
Posted by Fabulous on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 04:02:00 PST


In the new issue somewhere, to do with the little black book so if you're bored have a lil peek -x-
Posted by Fabulous on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 02:46:00 PST