yours truly, angry azyzeer profile picture

yours truly, angry azyzeer

we all lie so fckn well

About Me

do you care?.

My Interests

AC Milan, gfx dsgn, popmalaya and poprina. others doesn't interest me that much anymore.

I'd like to meet:

_________________ (fill it if you can so i know). then i'll pack my bag and fly to you immediately.


for the moment : the blood brothers, johnny whitney's soiled doves and neon blonde, the faint, interpol, pretty girls make grave, maximo park, idlewild, ladytron, kings of leon, babyshambles' fuck forever, the subways, the rapture, white rose movement, ..and you will know us by the trail of dead, the american analog set, death from above 1979, from monument to masses, ratatat, bloc party, boy kill boy, the raveonnettes, the (international) noise conspiracy, sgt weener arms, force vomit, killeur calculateur, arctic monkeys, the automatic, beck, the pippetes, the cribs, arcade fire, albert hammond jr., jaga jazzist (thanks to mac, forward russia!


Have you seen the film where a man walks in from the rain and ask a girl if she's seen a film where a man walks in from the rain and falls in love with a girl ? Yes, you have.


evryday, five o clock news is a fucking fantasy


these sheets tell of regret.


above all, Rasulullah dan para sahabat

My Blog

Najis mughallazah berbentuk manusia

fuck off! ada sahaja najis najis mughallazah berbentuk manusia yg cuba merosakkan dan mengacau bilau hubungan cinta dan hidup ini. ...
Posted by yours truly, angry azyzeer on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 09:27:00 PST

beginilah keadaan

situasi sekarang adalah seperti babi melanggar turbine kapal terbang.sudahlah berkecai pastu darah dan daging babi bersepah satu daerah.pastu satu daerah nak kena samak.kapal terbang tu pulak terhempa...
Posted by yours truly, angry azyzeer on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST