Street Signal ( akan ke IPOH pada 15 JUN ini! ) profile picture

Street Signal ( akan ke IPOH pada 15 JUN ini! )


About Me

Hello guys!!
We are Street Signal!
Established since 2006.
Based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Registered under the name of Street Signal Resources.
(company no. 001680945-D).
Taking his first step as a designer at the young age of 17,
Fura created his very own clothing label, now widely known as the “Street Signal”.
Street Signal was officially formed in November 2006 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Its concept ; ‘Street-based’ and 'Do what they need', it offers to give its customer what they need. It is inspired by street culture and the local independent art scene.
Street Signal aims to design casual wear for teenagers and eventually for all ages in the future. With his two sidekick ; Junny together they add colors to the local art event and gigs with Street Signal’s products.
Our goal is to serve our customers in the best way possible to create an ultimate store where they love to shop in. We will uphold our customer service values and store ethos on our online store. Yeahh!
The label provides such services:
- Street concept tees
- Identity
- Band art ( cd / booklet, Myspace layout, photo )
- Button, Badges
- Event/gig flyer design.
- Any art-related services.
Other sub-label:
-Street Signal Studio
(Digital arts, photo manipulation)
-Street Signal Clothing
(Customizing tees for bands, schools, colleges,
students, indie artists and label, organizations, fan clubs and more.)
-Street Signal Management
(Event management such as Prom night, Party, Gig, etc and also for band. Advertising & Promotion planner. )
Payment accepted through :
-CiMB Bank
thank you for all our supporters and friends out there that tune their signal to us! yeaah!!!
for futher information email us at:
[email protected]
Unless otherwise expressly stated, all original material of whatever
nature created by Street Signal and included this site and any related
pages is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Send gambar u all if ade beli product Street Signal okay!

Put it on your extended network!!!
copy and paste it on top of your 'about me'.

My Interests

no limits

The Regimen :

Battalion :

- Lake Valley Friends.

Street Agent :

- Aul | UTP Perak |
- Arif | UTM Semarak |
- Irhan | UiTM Segamat |

Terima Kasih buat:

- Mama n papa
- My hometown friends
- Ayed Of Raizhobium
- our influence
- dan individu2 dimana semuanya bermula. =)

Currently work with :

-Gegey Music (band art)
-Nu:Breax Entertainment (identity)
-The Band Shop(logo n promotion)
-Caladrius (Band Art)
-Bottlecapt (Band Art)
-Reynagade (Band Art)

Previous work:

-Neew Cosmetic
-UIA Gombak
-Nana Fans Club
-Demise Records
-SMK Dato' Harun
-SMK Bdr Tun Hussein Onn 2
-SMK Teknik Johor Bahru
-SMK Teknik Kuala Selangor
-Asura Scoot Clan
- and more!

My Blog

Interview ringkas oleh THECORESYSTEM Fanzine.

sesi ringkas bersama bro Azreen-editorthnks! =)check
Posted by Street Signal ( akan ke IPOH pada 15 JUN ini! ) on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 05:47:00 PST

Macam mana nak beli baju/product STREET SIGNAL?

Q; Mane nak dpt baju street signal ek? ade jual kt mane2 x? boleh tolong bgtau saya?A; okay, macam ni.... Mulai 15 Febuari 2008, u all semua boleh dpt kan produk kami dgn 2 cara sahaja:1. Jumpa di Art...
Posted by Street Signal ( akan ke IPOH pada 15 JUN ini! ) on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 07:12:00 PST

If you want to make your CLASS and BAND T-SHIRT read this!

BAND T-SHIRT:Q: Weh, korang bleh buat tshirt band aku x? korang boleh tlg design kan x? mcm mana kire ek? terangkan skit boleh x? A: okay, memandangkan ramai yg bertanyakan tentang tshirt utk ban...
Posted by Street Signal ( akan ke IPOH pada 15 JUN ini! ) on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 04:08:00 PST