Art, books, Music,having fun
People who read books and like to take photographs
Faith no More
Taking Back Sunday
Kings of Leon
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Bloc Party
Amy Winehouse
Regina Spektor
Jimmy Eat World
are my staples but lots lots more
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Fight Club, Lucky No. Slevin, Romeo and Juliet
Box sets that my wee brother either owns or buys me.
"Dance dance Dance" and "Norwegian Wood"by Haruki Murakami (i think thats how you spell it) i enjoyed "White Noise" by DeLillo and "Life of Pi " by ??? i forget, I loved "Pale Fire" by Nabokov, I have now read lolita! amzing and tragic and it made me cry and everyone should read it .........................Marlowe kicks shakespeares ass..........
Margaret Atwood is amazing!!!!!...only just discovered her...bloody brilliant.
My dad.