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I am here for Friends

About Me

Life began for me in May of 1981. I was the first of four children and the only girl. Born in Texas, USA, I fully expected to live there forever until in 1996 my family moved about 1000 miles north and settled in Chicago. I was now a yank.I graduated highschool and longed to move out into an appartment with my bestfriend Trisha. Instead, life took a dramatic turn and I left for Mercy Ships. I went back to Texas for my DTS. It was strange being back, nothing was how I remembered it. Oh, the buildings were in the same places and for the most part old friends still lived in the same houses. But I felt like a foreinger.I left for Guatemala for an 8 week outreach. It was the most trying time of my life. Dysentary was the least of my problems...Despite it all I felt more alive that ever. So I joined Mercy Ships as full time staff and left for the Anastasis in Holland. I was to sail to Africa. A dream I never thought could be reality.On the ship I fell in love with Ben. I had told my parents before leaving that they need not worry because I had no intentions of dating on board. I must not have been very convincing, they later said they suspected I may very well find a husband onboard. I shall let them have their "I told you so".Ben and I are now training for careers in missions. This has lead us to Florida for Flight and Mechanical training. Through everything God has been ever present. A faithful friend. I would have collapsed along the way, refused to do what I was asked, or just gone home and quit if it wasn't for the steady friendship of my Savior.

My Interests

I love wildlife and in Florida that includes bugs! Also love reading, hiking and spending the whole day bouncing around in the waves and soaking up the sun on the beach.


The book which has had the most influence on my life is the bible. where else can you gain guidence for every facet of your life?Also like bios on explorers and missionaries. Love reading the Hereos of the Faith books. Also cheesy novels by Gilbert Morris and thrillers my Frank Peretti.


My parents rock. Have been a rock to lean on in hard times and have always loved me no matter what.