Daisy- my gypsy child, Nikolai- my soul partner in love and magic, the moon, the stars, yoga, dance, making a difference, Hawaii, butterflies, good books, good music, surfing (when I'm on the coast rockin it when I'm in the mountains dreaming about it), firelight, candlelight, starlight, sunlight, moonlight, mystery, decent hippies, kanigaard, plumerias, gardenias, orchids, magic, banyon trees, driving fast, the rain, the rhythms of life, naps, holding hands, lingering hugs, the waves, the wind, old movies, red wine, dark chocolate, good company, poetry, fits of uncontrollable laughter, iced mochas, hot lattes, earth protectors, sensual women, silence, solitude, words, conversations without words, good people with good causes, waterfalls, sun showers, rainbows, hope, the sun in my face, the sand between my toes, learning always, the dance of life.
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