nickface profile picture


all of your friends are cunts....

About Me

Sticking a tampon up yr ass is definitely NOT an effective way of treating diarrhea.However, the end result is quite hilarious when tossed in the direction of emo kids and scenesters.With that said, it's time to par-tay!!!

My Interests

touching my genitals, eating boogers, and going long periods of time w/out changing my oondapants. and telling people voting for bush that they're goddamn retarded and should probably have themselves checked out. Call Dr. Nick at 1-800-FUCK-YOU or fax us at 1-800-EAT SHIT or visit our website at

I'd like to meet:



hmm...let's see....what's hip right now?....probably what i don't listen to....lifetime, the clash, the jam, pee, minor threat, fugazi, trail of dead, tv on the radio, les savy fav, j church, fifteen, the beatles, opiv, common rider, the broadways, peter and the test tube babies, ted leo/rx, mclusky, superchunk, x, descendents, black flag, dead kennedys, rites of spring, tribe called quest, public enemy, propagandhi, the smiths, the ramones, blackalicious, del tha funkee homosapien, wire, gang of four, green day, mission of burma, self, johnny cash, against me, gorillaz, faraquet, minutemen, seconds, that first liars album have all graced my humble ears w/in the past month (and will forever)


....but motion pictues cost 10 dollars


Late night HBO. Real Sex is like totally hot. Oh man, when they show the folks who like having sex on horseback while travelling on a plane floating across the atlantic ocean my dick gets harder than.....uh.......then i go squirt





My Blog

election woo hoo

I suppose i should start ranting and raving about how shitty the people in the south and the vast majority of the midwest are. Nah, they're just misinformed. And having sex with a relative is custom...
Posted by nickface on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

"Jesus Loves You....Allah Wants You Dead"

Ok. I've seen, and done, some pretty fucked up shit in my life but this absolutely takes the cake. My fiancee and I were just thumbing through some Republican/Conservative bumper stickers on some we...
Posted by nickface on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

michael moore

So on monday the 20th of december, i finally got to meet one of my heroes. His name is Michael Moore and, yeah he may say a whole bunch of stuff that we all already know about, but the fact that he's...
Posted by nickface on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

hooray for shit

i miss my old job. and jammies with feeties. more the jammies, tho. sippy cups fuckin sucked. if there was ever a way to make a kid feel like he's still suckin his mom's tit, there ya go. it just...
Posted by nickface on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

hey look at this

um....did anyone else notice that augUst is spelled wrong? oh yeah and i punched my brother in the face the other day. it was all sorts of rad and stuff. he's a douche. augest? c'mon now. well, ...
Posted by nickface on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


remember when that thing happened with the stuff? that was cool.
Posted by nickface on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST