Running. Painting. thrifting. white russians. naps. step aerobics. popcorn for dinner and/or breakfast. Tom.
regina spector, Rilo Kiley, corine bailey rae... typical girl stuff. And anything i can make people "sprint" or "jump" to in my spin class.
Withnail and I, Eternal Sunshine, Adaptation...dumb and dumber, old school, adventures in babysitting... Shawshank (duh)... Life is Beautiful...blah blah blah...The Big Lebowski...and...I've always held a soft spot for "When Harry met Sally", as well as "Meet me in St. Louis." I couldn't really tell you why though.newest addition: Lars and The Real Girl.. soo sweet. watch it.
PROJECT RUNWAY! top chef and america's next top model are good too. DANCING WITH THE STARS.
Sula, Surfacing, Handmaid's Tale, Jesus's Son, and I actually really like Mansfield Park, but apparently most would dissagree...The Hobbit, but not Lord of the Rings, the kite runner...vice's guide to sex, drugs and Rock n' roll is funjust read GOD'S DEBRIS. loved it, read it.
I once witnessed a lunch lady save my older sister from choking on a peanut butter sandwich.p.s.If you choke on peanut butter by itself, they can't save you. Tom's mom told me that.