A lot of nice people
The Hives,Franz Ferdinand,Artick Monkeys,Ska-P,Megenoidi,Foo Fighters,Red Hot Chili Peppers,Sistem of a down,Mando Diao,Linkin Park,Beatles,Chemical Brothers,Depeche Mode,Kaiser Chief,Lucio Battisti,The Fratellis,Rolling Stones,...
Forrest Gump,300,The lord of the rings,Oceans Eleven,I Simpson,The Matrix,The Pirates of Carabian,Constantine,Il Nemico alle Porte,il Gladiatore,V for Vendetta,...
Harry Potter,The lord of rings,Ivanhoe,Esco a Fare due Passi,Un Posto nel Mondo,The Animals' farm,Dio li Fa e Poi li Accoppa,...