I woke up this morning and I found myself thinking about you Patrycja.. You know. Another slow morning, heavy (yet fresh) mind, partly closed e, faded sunrise... Can you picture it? Slow thoughts… I began to feed my imagination with all those things i know about you and though none of them is anything more than an image I know from the pictures you had sent me, i think i've seen you this morning.. Imagination is a great thing... The image of you was really strong.. I saw you there, framed beautifully by your bedroom window.. Your lips, your hair, your eyes.. I was there.. Watching you as you laid there sleeping.. I was even able to smell you on your pillow case... I started to imagine what would be the first thing you would say this morning… I saw you drinking a cup of coffee to revive the last night’s and day's memories. I saw you celebrating the morning, as you always do before leaving to your “beloved†bank... Enjoying the simplicity of the simple morning... It almost picturesque.. I can see you speak with your eyes those unspoken words and i imagine you thinking about me.. And then i woke up in strawberry essences with a grin on my face...
My Interests
only The Best like a Tragedy Khadafi- "Walk With Me" - exceptional