D'Vision- otherwise Maciek Mackowiak- it's a dj from Glogów who lives in
Wroclaw at present.
He's been interested in music since he was a teen-ager. When he was 12
years old, he started attending music lessons, where he was learning how
to play keyboard instruments. His adventure with music started in 1999
when he stood behind the decks for the first time. This event confirmed
him in a conviction that his future should be related to music. He has
been evolving in a new and better direction since that moment.
At the beginning he was fascinated with a technical music, however his
development has transformed his musical likings. He visited many clubs
around Poland, mainly in west and south side, last year. He played by
one of the best's polish and foreign djs, for example: Milk & Sugar (DE), Simon Dunmore ( Defected Recs.), Dabruck & Klein (Superstar Rec.), Olav Basoski ( Rootz Records ), Alex Romano (Rootz Records), Muttonheads (Serial Records), Patricia Starr (Pacha
NYC), Dj Nique (9 Records Chicago), Alec Sun Drae (Vocal UK ).
At present, he is as resident in Lemoniada Music Club in Wroclaw on Saturdays.
The music, which he prefers now in his sets is : funky house with latino
and filtering vocals and also electro and progressive.
As he says, music is his whole life and he loves what he does. The
biggest reward for him for his work is a having a good time public.{}
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