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"It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently." -Warren Buffett
Observing, reading, writing, sleeping, imagining & visualizing, manifesting, dining & wining, dancing, hiking, jet-skiing, snowboarding, paint-balling, music, meditating, yoga, health & fitness, fashion, architecture, ocean, mountains, animals, photography, and WoW.
"The self-confidence of the warrior is not the self-confidence of the average man. The average man seeks certainty in the eyes of the onlooker and calls that self-confidence. The warrior seeks impeccability in his own eyes and calls that humbleness. The average man is hooked to his fellow men, while the warrior is hooked only to infinity." -Carlos Castaneda
The ones who are still, collected, and deep in all senses.
Everything and everyone.
"Learn the steps shown by everyone in your life because in the end, there is one dance you'll do alone." -Jackson Browne
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