Member Since: 11/5/2007
Band Members:
People trafficking is wrong. I support STOP THE TRAFFIK in its call to: Prevent the sale of people, Prosecute the traffickers, Protect the victims.
Hi, please click the banner below and sign the pledge to help stop the buying and selling of our people. Did you know most chocolate candy companies use children to make the chocolate you eat? They are forced to work,bought,and beaten severely. Please pledge and spread the word.
Thank you.
Donate while you search,please click banner and click on DONATE YOUR HOMEPAGE to help keep children out of sex trafficking!!!
Please download above banners and help spread the word to save our children,men,women!!!
I was using a different search engine,the kind that gives you rewards for using it. So I typed myspace,and saw this tragic story about Megan Meier. She killed herself,only 13 yrs old,from online cyber bullying on I’m placing this video up of her parents interview,her story,and a program at the end that you can buy to filter your teen’s online usage,know what they are doing,and protect them from online predators pretending to be teenagers. My heart goes out to Megan and her family. love Stephie
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Song is by artist,Pink. There are no scary images,but it is sad.
Dear Mr. President
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Influences: Jesus Christ my saviour,God,and the Holy Spirit
About Me
Name: StephanieStatus: Happily taken!
Zodiac: Pisces Cusp
I love to paint, draw, and write poetry. My boyfriend Paul is the best man, and I cant wait for the day when he proposes to me! I am kind, sweet, and I love helping out my fellow humans in need,I want to make a difference in people's lives without asking for something in return. I want to do right by the Lord,Jesus christ, and walk down the Path to His Eternal Holy Light. I want to be married to Paul til we die of old age together,and have at least one child. I want to fulfill Jesus' Plan for me,and help people in need,and recruit people who also want to help others in need. I also want to help nourish and save our planet we are destroying, and I want help from others to help me accomplish this. Jesus spoke to me before I fell asleep this morning,Sunday December 16, 2007 and I know with my whole spirit soul,this is His Plan for me. I also want to get mp3s of pastors whom truly speak the gospel of God,and place those mp3s on this myspace player,to reach out to all of you and talk to us about the resources we can get to help us help others!! Please come forward if you'd like to help me get started! with all my love,Stephanie
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None