**i love ritual performance art**being paid to bring life to parties**styling**hair**makeup**art**fantasy**fun**luxury**t ravel**designing**art**cyberspace**romance & the poetry of life in every moment**
**amazing people to work with & for**phenominal artists**photographers**makeup artists**hairstylists**fashion designers**producers**etc**party planners**experimental circuses**& those superstarz out there interested in purchasing my magickal jewerly, accessories, & clothing for empowerment & radical self expression**
**i listen to a lot of downtempo eclectic world electronica **but i luv great rock'n'roll too ((light and dark))**i also really luv the cello*didjeredoo*spoons*accordion*harmonica*jaw harp*electric harp**lazer instruments**
***the forbidden zone***corpse bride***the dark crystal***what the bleep do we know?***the neverending story***the secret**Http://www.youtube.com/user/stardustmagick**
**the twilight zone**
**clan of the cave bear**valley of horses**cosmic tribe tarot deck**lynn andrew's books**animal medicine**animal speak**