Rhiannon. profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Hello my name isn’t Penny
It’s Rhiannon (Rio/Nonny/Ran)
Penny is a groupie from a film called Almost Famous
Enough about Penny
I Like Acting
I like those sweets with the creamy strawberry or orange bit in the middle
Becca makes a nice cup of tea
I’m terrible at remembering to phone people
I like people whose names rhyme with ‘Willy’ (Phili)
At the moment I’m happy scraping through at the last minute
That’s me really, always late, usually with my CD walkman in my bag because I’ve forgotten to charge my IPOD, thinking about it the reason I’m late is because I’ve got to find headphones and then by the time I’ve found them I’ll have decided to finish that thing that I’ve been thinking about for weeks but only just remembered, then I’ll miss the bus and decide to walk, sorry in advance for that.
My CDs are never in the right cases
I try and get things done in the fastest way possible, I end up doing everything ten times
I don’t know my left and right without pretending to write and working out which hand I write with
Jemima’s like me but better
Phili once told me I was like other people but different, I think she was drunk
I like people there great
All my friends are heroes because they like me despite knowing me
[email protected]

You'll most likely see me around Poole or Bournemouth at the weekends.
I'll most likely be with my best friend
Come say hi x
MySpace Layouts
    MySpace Layouts MySpace Codes MySpace Backgrounds

My Interests

This Is Life

I'd like to meet:

A boy with skinny jeans and messy hair please


I really wish I got to say goodbye
And im sure the view from heaven
Beats the hell out of mine here
And if we all believe in heaven
Maybe we'll make it through one more year
I hope that all is well in heaven
Cause it's all shot to hell down here
I hope that i find you in heaven
Cause i'm so...
Lost without you down here


I Love Them


DR Who, Skins, Scrubs, THE MIGHTY BOOSH


DANNY WALLACE!Join MeYes ManAre you Dave Gorman?I 3 Danny Wallace.


Tim Hero Brown
March 20th 1987 - September 3rd 2006
We will always love you


And Us

My Blog

Phillipa Jane Rook

PJ, You're abit more than cool.   This is a blog all about you to tell you how special you are. You're this special (Insert Big Thing) You're weird and funny and you say the silliest things some ...
Posted by Rhiannon. on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 12:48:00 PST

I love bex

I AM BEX. but this is rios profile. cest la vie Rio is a small noodle like fur critter from the topiary. She is wearing a jesus band and a purple prostitute dress. But i LUFF her. Infact i would sell ...
Posted by Rhiannon. on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 03:51:00 PST


As Harriet says 'Everyone seems to have one' so i thought i'd have one too :) So post memories of cool stuff we've done on here and i'll add some too! Me and Bex feeding wine to a fish on a trip to b...
Posted by Rhiannon. on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 06:36:00 PST