Give me a boy with messy blonde hair, skinny jeans and a cardigan any day.
The girl who sits with me in Café Nero drinking tea.
The girl who dances with me in PJs to Girls Aloud.
The girl who pulls faces at me in the corridors.
The girl who also believes MATHS IS FUN.
The girl who writes me notes about poteen, potatoes and stalkers and draws me pictures of robots.
The girl who shares with me a common love for Oreos.
The girl who writes me letters and cheers me up.
The girl who is always ready for a kodak moment.
The boy [ ♥ ] who is a greater maths N*E*R*D than me
The boy who makes me tea and has endless fat jokes.
The boy who thinks it's funny to cause my death by longboard.
The boy who loves boys.
The boy who will stay up all night eating icepops with me.
The boy / action man who chats to me for hours.
The boy who will sit with me on the beach listening to tunes.
The boy who makes me laugh, the boy I don’t see enough.