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One Dream

"Be the change you wish to see."

About Me

One Dream is an effort to bring sanity to our political system and restore progressive thinking into politics on a local, state, and national level.
Nothing is more powerful than when people come together and realize the potential of their collective energy. When combined with others with similar goals, individuals become energized with a sense of community and commit to bringing about change for the betterment of themselves, their groups or family, and the betterment of humankind as a whole.
We are not looking for unanimous consent on every issue. A good rule is that we don't have to always agree, especially if we have an underlying belief in kindness, honesty, service, and progressive change.
If people who believe in these ideas choose to connect together, their power for good multiplies, and their political power expands exponentially.
Citizenship and community involvement is critical in creating change. If enough of us come together and exert our influence in the political process, this will eventually cause parties on both sides to shift and make policy that reflects our collective desire.
This is why we ask you to become our friend. We hope to establish a presence in Idaho of people who want to see change at almost all levels toward a more responsive government. With blogs, bulletins and messages, we will keep people informed of ideas and issues, establishing discussions and creating dialogue. Hopefully in the end, come election day there will be opportunities to put our efforts into practice and influence things toward those who reflect our ideas and issues.

My Interests

Changing the world, day by day, heart by heart, citizen by citizen...

I'd like to meet:

Progressive thinkers of all ages, races, genders, creeds, and any other category that isn't here listed.

Independent thinking people, young and old alike, who want to participate with others who see current political trends as faulty, divisive, and in need of change.


Christ, Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., Robert Kennedy, and all others who lay it on the line and stand up for what they believe.

My Blog

Petition to criminalize Price Gouging as Federal Crime

As of yesterday, gas prices are the highest in U.S. historywe just passed the 1981 record, even adjusted for inflation.1 Prices could reach $4.00 per gallon in parts of the country, just in time to c...
Posted by One Dream on Wed, 23 May 2007 06:49:00 PST

Getting rid of hackers and spammers

People, all those links, pictures, websites that tell you you're going to get something for nothing are just spam and most are viruses that hack into your system and send messages as YOU!!! Please don...
Posted by One Dream on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 07:59:00 PST

Help ban Paperless voting

The US House of Representatives will soon vote on Representative Rush Holt's paperless voting machine ban. But last-minute opposition is trying to do away with the crucial deadline of paper voting in ...
Posted by One Dream on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 08:07:00 PST

Peace Train and Iran

It's worth watching.  A picture of Iran that we don't usually get to see.
Posted by One Dream on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 09:44:00 PST

Proposed Voting Reform for Idaho

Text of proposed proposition to be on 2007 or 2008 ballot: In the effort to further create and ensure a free and fair public election system that the citizens of the State of Idaho can have trust in,...
Posted by One Dream on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 08:29:00 PST

One Thin Dime

One Thin Dime is a proposal that no political candidate for office can raise any money (not even "one thin dime") from people who do not live in the district that elects them.  All money wo...
Posted by One Dream on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 01:21:00 PST

Community and Connectedness

How do we raise our families and take care of our communities?  Is it everyone out for themselves or do we need to work together and create community oriented processes where people look out for...
Posted by One Dream on Wed, 16 Aug 2006 10:39:00 PST

One Dream Principles

Some basic principles of One Dream that underly our other efforts and viewpoints: Please feel free to offer your input on these or other issues you'd like to see addressed. We're hoping to have some f...
Posted by One Dream on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 06:19:00 PST

Issue Item 1 - Education

"Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education.  The human mind is our fundamental resource..." -- John F. Kennedy Primary and Secondary Ed Public school Teachers in&...
Posted by One Dream on Wed, 31 May 2006 10:27:00 PST