My girlfriend, my brother. Photos and the like, good music, better movies, bad jokes, and occasionally scatological humor, reading books I may or may not finish. Finally having the time to do what I want. Oh and great beer! Medieval Seige Engines!
Armed & Famous just finished filming right here in Muncie. It's a dumb show but my house was on tv so I go down to the local pub to watch it.
I'm currently reading Choke, and Hyperion Cantos
The problem with heroes is that the good one's always die before they get old. My heroes fit the bill. People whose mark on this world will continue to influence the minds of others for the rest of time. It's easy for some, to associate with way of the warrior. (Maybe it is better to go out in a blaze and leave a good looking corpse.) Others relate to the will of writers and philosophers. I believe that true heroes are people who train themselves in mind body and spirit to reach the ultimate goal of humankind, which in my opinion is to attain self-actualization. To readily, and actively become, effectively, as flawless as humanly possible in any and every instant needed, and if the calling is made to do so, become a martyr to the not just their cause but, also to their way of life. Achilles, Joan of Arc, Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Plato, Socrates, Attila, Jet Li, Bruce Lee, Huo YuanJia, Michael Shumacher, Muhatma Ghandi, Neal Stephenson, Quentin Tarantino, Edward Norton, Sun Tzu, Voltaire, Niccolo Machiavelli and basically any gold medal winners of the Olympics. I could go on but the point is, that is my goal. I will achieve through my own force of will. Through my own hard work and perserverance. I will not settle to the bottom of the nearly clear liquid to be shaken up by the sad state of things so I become indistinguishable from the rest of the hard working people like everyone I've ever known. My goal is for more. Things will be different. I will not get there by a show arrogance and thievery, instead dedication and the belief that some things are still sacred will be the way for me to become a distinct and important flavor of the sustinance consumed by the driving need for us to, and to be entertained and stimulated through leadership, and story.Beware the magic steef.