"...you besta chill!" profile picture

"...you besta chill!"

..it don't take a whole day to recognize sunshine.

About Me

My Interests

makin' music, reading, networking, b-boyin', stylin', traveling, finding a new me everyday, you, photography...

I'd like to meet:

Eva Mendes...Tribe Called Quest...my father...lauryn hill...guy pierce...nicole kidman...the penut butter man...brandy...aliens...not illegal aliens..i know a couple of them already, but i'm open to others....Audrey Toutou


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never ending story, the last dragon, anything bruce lee, star wars, mission to mars, secret garden, 5 deadly venoms, anything jet li, amelie, happenstance, he loves me, he loves me not..yeah anything audrey tautou. life is beautiful, vanilla sky, wildstyle, beatstreet, krush groove, donnie darko, dawn of the dead, 28 days later....dangerous beauty, L'auberg Espanole, momento, malena, irreversible, xx/xy,


smallville, charmed, re-runs of whatever i used to think was cool. sci-fi channel, home builders shyt, cooking channel...


Issola, The Mind, The Painted House, 1984, Daughter of A Goddess


me and a few friends.

My Blog

in the wakes of my mind at times i remember and see the future from my past.

so yeah....lately it's been a twisting and turning of emotions. up and down riding this life that a stallion i never wanted to ride. buckin' at every oppurtunity. till now smooth rides have been few a...
Posted by "...you besta chill!" on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 12:47:00 PST

cranky honesty...

maximum lifestylesfamous in infamy,guile beyond godslightning strikes chemistry.infamous practicesinigmas solved on mattresses,souls sold foolishlyto fiens across the atlas.devils with prada shoes,bla...
Posted by "...you besta chill!" on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 04:40:00 PST

the terms we're faced with...i hope we're not complacent

wether the weather drops bombs on your doorstep and you can't wake the next sunrise..i'll rock a prayer for you..not to God per say, but perhaps to the wind to be carried within the earth and clouds t...
Posted by "...you besta chill!" on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 04:02:00 PST

holypoliticalmadness...(to be continued)

soliloquies remember me rendering evil energy..within the wind with zen-tai-chi transformationslipped cantations insipidly notifying thesegratifiers that they know not of gravity; they're liarsin thei...
Posted by "...you besta chill!" on Sat, 04 Nov 2006 03:45:00 PST


travelin in realms you'll never fathom i gather, rather tickin inside your sub-con-artist-i-go-see-the-street-pharmacist on a daily basis.. and when things are really too tough, hookin up with suicide...
Posted by "...you besta chill!" on Sat, 04 Nov 2006 03:43:00 PST

melting sometimes refines. if not you, others shall benifit.

simplified in time..coats of colors caught the mind..the scheme teamed with dreams and painted pictures so divine..even if the message is sadness..beauty blossoms sweetly..suffering from overdoseage m...
Posted by "...you besta chill!" on Sat, 04 Nov 2006 03:41:00 PST

to hawaii, georgia, and reno peeps: now and then

it's hard to write to those people who were everything to you back in the day. words to say reach a delay, and phrases decay with out the bonds that were made. the strength is determined by the matter...
Posted by "...you besta chill!" on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 02:47:00 PST


who are we?don't start mesmart beezwax jacksave it for ya honeymoney--got thathis name's Ziggaslick wig never sweat the triggahe's biggalike Pun or Chris Dubba-utuffer toome plus him incredible twoplu...
Posted by "...you besta chill!" on Fri, 10 Mar 2006 08:29:00 PST

....the mouth waters like a dog with a chicken bone

i didn't come to intimidatejust to elevatemind states that awaitgolden gates of opportunitythe moment's always moltenbulging possibilities flowin'bold print stints riffin'rantin'grantin' destinations ...
Posted by "...you besta chill!" on Mon, 19 Sep 2005 10:15:00 PST

security in love's devotion[what else matters?]

i succumb to the beauties of the immaculate one. as our tounges touch i can hear the sounds of her soul..and i'm hung on her every heart beat. she's real sweet like spring breezes--summer time comes t...
Posted by "...you besta chill!" on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST