I am very interested in how you manage to get some sleep when there are only 24 hours in one day. I read a lot, play softball, and work. My interests would be my amazingly interesting friends - I've never known people like them before, they make my world so rich and insane to boot.
I want to meet people who do things other than hang out at bars every weekend. There is so much more to take part in!!! I love to play sports, go to movies, etc., I want to meet someone who likes to do, not just hang out. I also love guys with brains...intelligent conversation is such a turn on!
Dave Matthews, Peal Jam, Incubus, Norah Jones, Toby Keith, the Beatles, Aerosmith, Missy Elliot - basically, I like it all. The soundtrack of my life is a masterpiece!
My Favorite Movie of all time is Breakfast at Tiffany's. After that, there are sooo many! My Big Fat Greek Wedding was great - I think that's the only fairly recent movie of any value I've seen. Star Wars - the original/good one, and any Indiana Jones Movie is worth a trip to the video store. Oh, and I can't forget "To Kill A Mockingbird," Atticus Finch - you're my hero.
Yes...lol...Harry Potter, Mutant Message from Down Under, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenence, The Garfield Treasury (that's the good stuff!), Secrets about Life Every Woman Should Know (and now I know so you'd better watch out), and about 15 text books a year - want to know anything about Geography? I'm your girl!