El Chachi profile picture

El Chachi

Para cagarse de risa

About Me

I like to take long walks in the park and go out for ice cream with my dearest acquaintances, though I don't eat much of the stuff. Too much sugar! I like happy little rays of sunshine and magical moments between friends that live in the memories forever! I hate drugs, alcohol, popular music like jazz and rock, parties and sex. When I grow up I want to be a priest even though those sinning Mary-worshippers should lay off the wine. Little altar boys make me happy. They're so innocent and I think we could have a lot in common and build a lasting relationship. I am a perennial optimist and I believe that through faith in our god and our president, we will make this world a perfect one. I am not rich yet but I am a republican so that when I am rich I'll have been on the right team. Smart, huh? Well, that's about it for now. I'll let you know if I feel like opening up some more

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Choirboys, republicans, any member of my favorite oligarchy or their puppet governments, DARE officers, rich people, poodles, cute little bunnies and kittens but without claws or teeth. Yipes! Those things are scary!


The Passion, Reefer Madness


FOX News, all televangelist shows, Dawson's Creek and all the other shows that so clearly paint reality so I never have to leave the house


I like to burn those


Efrain Rios Montt (the Sword of God!), Richard Nixon, Prescott Bush, George H. Bush, George W. Bush, Somoza, D'Aubuisson, Pinochet, Batista, Trujillo, King Fahd and sons, Ariel Sharon, Benjamin Netanyahu, Adolf Hitler, Charles Taylor, Alberto Fujimori, Hamid Karzai, Saddam Hussein before we hated him, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Karl Rove, gosh there's so many more! And lastly, I would say Jesus but he was way too rebellious and radical. But the religions that developed around him are beautiful!