Myspace Layouts at / Born to be wild (Horses)
God has called me to go and set the captive's free.In prison's and jail's Hiways and where ever the door open's. I believe in loving the Lord with my whole heart soul mind and body. I walk in the anointing and have power thru the holy ghost. To break satan's hold on people's live's. I believe PRAYER is the answer,without the HolyGhost you can do nothing. I walk by Faith every day to bring dilverance to God's people.My heart's cry is for soul's. My life is a testimony of God's Grace and dilverance and healing into my life.I'm here to take back every thing satan has stolen. Mom's Dad's let's take a stand togather and take our children back. Rise up speak the WORD and believe, then just Praise your way to victory.Luke 4:18,19 For the Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,( you), because He has annointed Me,(you) to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me( you) to heal the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives.and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty all who are oppressed, to proclain the accetable year of the LORD!