Websites: The Chillout station is my fav:
MySpace Editor MySpace Layouts MySpace Editor Icons Collage MySpace Graphics Photo Collage
reggae, electronic, old music, bluegrass, international
My favorite movie is Dumb and Dumber-I could watch that movie a million times, and Half Baked. Silence of the Lambs, Alien , Aliens, Predator, Terminator, Star Wars, Ghost Busters, Lawrence of Arabia, Indiana Jones, Dances w/ Wolves, Alfred Hitchcocks
Nova, Beavis and Butthead(watch on dvd), Grey's anatomy, Lost, South Park, Star Trek Next Generation, Twilight Zone, Myth Busters, Law and Order...
Right now I am reading the Bible straight through. I'm in the book of Psalms right now. I also enjoy reading my chemistry and physics textbooks (hehe, I'm a nerd) Plants of the Pacific Northwest Coast is actually a good read: ethnobotany
I have too many heros to name here. But I will mention Carrie who couldn't be a better friend. She has given so much to me; I don't know what I would do without her.